Or if this exhortation fails to stir the sluggish imagina-
tion of the reader, his eye will be caught by the full-page announcement of the Hawaii Tourist Bureau, which suggests : " Why not spend this summer in Paradise ? " :— " Can't you vision the unusual delight of a holiday in the romantic South Sea setting of the Hawaiian Islands 1—the thrill of swift rides through scudding spray on the `queen' surf at Waikiki ?— that unforgettable glimpse into the fiery throat of Madame Pele, goddess of fire at Kilauea, great living volcano Hawaii is deli- ciously cool in summer. Steady trade-winds, streaming south from the Arctic, bathe those charmed lands perpetually in a crisp breeze that gives a climate of continual springtime. Exotic bloom of great trees and flowering plants is at its best in summer, and all outdoor sports—golfing, tennis, tramping, motoring, deep-sta fishing, swimming—invite your zestful enjoyment."
How the poor stay-at-home, sweltering in New York in July and August, must long for the delights of this mid-Pacific Paradise.