Recurring to our brief notice of M. Louis Blanc's Appel
aux Hon- netes Gene, a respectable correspondent invites us to correct an error he conceives we have fallen into. He alludes, he says, to the "hint that Louis Blanc would have done well to reply to his accusers as to the point of his having been present at the HOtel de Ville on the 15th May, by a dis- tinct alibi" ; which he then goes on to establish by proof. If our corre- spondent will take the trouble to reperuse the notice, we think he will see that our remarks chiefly referred to the mode of conducting the de- fence, not to the fact of the alibi, about which there seems to be no doubt. The gist of the remark was, that it would have been more regular, ac- cording to English notions, to have produced the statements of the four witnesses who could prove that M. Louis Blanc's presence at the Hotel de Ville was physically impossible, instead of confining himself to his own statement in the " Journee du 15 Mai."