_foreign anix
GERMANT.—The Council of the German Catholics met at Stuttgardt on the 15th instant; M. Rouge arriving on that day, besides an immense number of delegates from other German cities, from Rotterdam, and from London. A letter from Stuttgardt reports the proceedings; some part of which is interesting-
" The President proposed that Germany should be divided into Western and Southern provinces; and this was declared by acclamation. Twenty-four Com- munes sent representatives. The votes were taken by Communes, by which seve- ral delegates had four votes, and several others had only one vote between them. The organization of the Commune was reserved for another meeting. There al- ready exists a similar organization at Breslau and Leipzic, which will be taken for this. The right of women to vote was adopted by a majority of 13 to 11. Independent women, widows, and those who are unmarried, may consequently take part in the discussions of the Getman Catholic Commune. All the Com- munes have the right of managing their own affairs according to their local habits, manners, and interests. A. Committee has been appointed for receiving the:adhesions of Roman Catholic priests, and for placing German Catholic priests in the different Communes. Elberfeld, Helderberg, I.11m, and Saarbrack, form this Committee. The next Concifium is to be held at Frankfort-on-the-Maine. It was further decided that a Synod should be held annually, but more particu- larly this year, on account of the quantity of business."
The King of Saxony opened the Diet on the 14th instant. In his speech he described the public oredit as being in a prosperous state, and announced some railway projects and other measures. He alluded, in terms which expressed distinctly nothing but his displeasure, to the religious feuds and the disturbances at Leipzic. Some differences soon manifested themselves in the Legislature-
" The Chamber of Deputies," says the' Journal des Damn," sends in a list of candidates for the President's chair, out of which the King makes a choice. Up to the present period, through respect for the majority, the King has always named a candidate placed at the head of the list submitted to him by the Cham- ber of Deputies. On this occasion the Chamber had chosen, by a plurality of votes, M. Haase, Deputy for Leipzic, who formed one of the deputation sent by that city to the King on the late disturbances, which deputation threw the whole responsibility on the Government and the military authorities. The King, to manifest his great dissatisfaction at the city of Leipzic and its Deputy, put aside M. Haase, and named M. Braun, who was the second on the list, President. It so happens that this choice is a great triumph for the Opposition, as M. Braun is one of the most determined adversaries of the Government.
"Another incident has produced a certain sensation in the Government. Since the establishment of the constitution, it has always been a custom for the Presi- dent of the Upper Chamber to make a short reply at the royal sitting to the speech from t-6 throne. This exclusive privilege of the Upper Chamber has always been systematically opposed by the Chamber of Deputies, which last year sent in a protest to the Government against the preference thus accorded to the Upper Chamber, and demanded to be permitted to make a reply also. The Go- vernment, fearing that the Chamber of Deputies might profit by this circum- stance to manifest its opposition, has thought it prudent to elude the difficulty by deciding that henceforth neither Chamber shall make any reply to the King. It is thought that this decision will give birth to sharp debates in the two Cham- bers, and will produce protests and recriminations against the Minis."
" In the Upper Chamber, the Home Minister, M. Kocunenty, read a supreme decree concerning the religions movement in Saxony, declaring that the abandon- ment of authority preached by the 'Friends of Light should lead necessarily to the abandonment of religious belief When he sat down, the Burgomaster Lochner moved that a decree relative to the dissidents calling themselves German Catho- lics' should also be sent to an extraordinary Committee: which was carried unanimously. When this decree was read in the Lower Chamber, Doctor Schaf- frath, a Deputy, rose and said= Lest the silence of the Chamber should be con- strued into an assent of the doctrines laid down as the motives for the supreme decree, I wish for my own part to protest against them, as having no foundation either legal or historicaL"
We subjoin some further items of political gossip— The Ifanheim Journal says that the Prussian Government continues to act on its resolution to keep down the German Catholic Church. The Abbe Rouge, who passed through that town, was not allowed to sleep there, nor to celebrate divine service.
A Leipzic paper states, on the faith of a private letter, that a German Catholic community, to the number of three thousand, had established itself in Vienna; and that one of its meetings was dispersed by a company of soldiers, but no arrests took place.
A conflict has arisen between the Government of the Grand Dutchy of Baden sad the Archbishop of Friburg, similar to that which has existed between the Archbishop of Cologne and the Government of Prussia. The Prelate of Fri- burg having commanded his clergy not to celebrate any mixed marriages without his licence as metropolitan the Government issued a declaration that this order was null and void, as being contriuy to the usages of the country. Notwith- standing this the Archbishop has reiterated his order, and enjoin his clergy to a strict observance of it, under the faith of the oath' they took when they were ordained.
The Crown Princess of Hanover gave birth to a Prince on the 21st in- stant. From the peculiar circumstances attending the succession to the throne of Hanover, the event was hailed with the liveliest expressions of joy; the citizens assembled before the palace of the King, and sang a hym "Nun danket elle Gott," followed by loud cheerings; and at night the city of Hanover was splendidly illuminated.
HOLLAND.—Disturbances have taken place in some of the principal Dutch towns on account of the high price of provisions. The shops of the
dealers in meal at the Hague were attacked on Saturday and Sunday last; the military were called out to suppress the riot, and some arrests were made. On Monday, the Magistrates issued a proclamation threatening the turbulent with punishment. On that day, the disturbances broke oat ha
Haarlem. The King, who had intended to go to Weimar on a visit, had. given up his intention.
SWITZERLAND.—A new movement to revolutionize Europe is said to have been detected in Switzerland. The most complete account is that in the Courrier Suisse of the 16th instant-
" Some arrests recently effected in a small town of the Canton of Neufchatel,
and the avowals obtained of the individuals thus captured, have led to the detec- tion of a vast plot organized in Switzerland by the members of the Young Germany' association. The present centre of the association is Lausanne; but Berne, Zu- rich, Bale, Geneva, and twenty-four other minor towns, have lodges of the same conspirators. It is also affirmed that there are German clubs connected with the society in several towns of France, including Strasburg. and Marseilles. The oh-
ject of the association, as is clearly proved by the writings and correspondence of
the leaders, and the disclosures just obtained, is to effect the subversion of the reli gious, political, and social organization of Germany, and, successively, that of the other states of Europe, by the preaching of Atheism, the gradual demoralization of the people, and, if need be, the assassination of public functionaries. The morality of the leaders of the association, says the report of the Neufchatel police, is such that it would require the pen of the Marquis de Sade to characterize it.. The prin- cipal leaders are Hermann Dolleke, of Erfurt, a public teacher in the Canton of Vaud, and formerly a teacher of languages in Neufchatel; Max Hoffmann, a Bavarian pharmacian; Wilhelm Marv, late editor of a German anarchic paper, called the Journal of the Clubs, and who is not only surnamed by the men of his party 'Robespierre, but also adds that name to his signature; Julius Standaw, of Gotha, professor of German at the College of Chaux-de-Fonds, in NerifchateL This adventurer has been arrested there, and expelled, with four of his associates„ from the territory of the Swiss Confederacy, where he had lived as an emigrant for five years past. The authorities have been justly alarmed at the active and crafty perseverance with which these propagandists have enlisted under their banner a considerable number of the twenty to twenty-five thousand German workmen established in the several Cantons of Switzerland. blares hideous journal had latterly procured as many as five hundred subscribers among them. That print has' among other things, printed a funeral oration on the death of Tscheck, the Villain executed for an attempt on the life of the King of Prussia: the ora- tionwas accompanied with threats against that Sovereign, and exhortations to the German people to resort to regicide. Young Germans,' it said, God and the immortality of the soul are notions quite worn out; religion is mere dung. Do . not suffer yourselves to be frightened by the phantom of a Providence. * • * The efforts of Tscheck, of heroic memory, have unhappily been unsuccessfuL * * Beware, Majesty !' Publications of a similar tenor had before been circulated among the German workmen and professionists' of Zurich, Berne, Geneva, Bale and other towns. The Anarchists have personally figured in all the great disturbances with which Switzerland has been visited since the first organ- ization of the Helvetic section of Young Germany,' and its secret alliance with
Young Switzerland.' Dr. Fein, a political refugee from Brunswick, who was . captured, with other German adventurers, in the crusade that took place laet spring against Lucerne, appears to have been connected with this sanguinary pro- paganda. The investigation now proceeding on the subject of the murder of Councillor Lou will perhaps yield discoveries of the same :description .Airy
thing may be believed of an association which is told by a journalist, one of its organs, that revenge is an act of natural justice,' and that it is desirable that great vices and sanguinary crimes be exhibited to the world instead of that , virtue:which wearies, and those worn-out [ ? ] of which nations are tired.' As yetit has not been possible to discover whence the association derive the considerable sums they dispose of. All that is known is, that the bulk of its members have, in appearance, no other means of existence than their labour, which is perpetually interrupted by sittings of their clubs and orgies. The money they require to live thus and defray the association's expenses, must, it is inferred, come from other quarters."
FRANCE.—The elections to replace the Deputies elevated to the Peerage are all turning in favour of the Ministry; the opposition, if any, being in most cases very feeble. Engineers of the Army, Navy, and Fonts et Chaussees, have for some time
been engaged in surveying the coast of France bounded by the ocean, and pre- paring plans of forts and other fortifications, for its complete defence from inva- sion; and it is said the Minister of War will, in the course of the nextsession, pre-. sent a bill to the Chamber for a grant of credit sufficient to carry these projects into execution.—Constitutionnel.
The Courrier Francais publishes this absurd Anti-British tale. "It will he remembered that, some days since, an anonymous letter was addressed to a Dunkirk journal, stating that the writer had some clue to the persons who fired the dock-yard at Toulon. That journal instantly. made an appeal to the author of the letter,. begging him to be more communicative upon the subject.. The following mysterious letter is the consequence of that appeal. Mr. Editor— Being in the naval service, I was six months ago at Toulon. One day, finding myself a little in liquor, I wandered into the dc-yard, at the side of the Mon-
on, behind a pile of building wood; where I heard several persons talking in an
under-tone. I crept quietly near to them, in order to catch what they were say- ing; but they spoke so low that I could only catch the words "Lefeti—tnhche--Is plus tot possibk." ("Fire—match—as soon as possible!) One of the party looking to the right and left, as though he feared to be seen by some one. kept'11-1 fortunately, my foot slipped; and the noise occasioned by my fall drew tilde attention, and I was perceived. At the same time, I heard some oaths of "God-, dam !" a shot was fired; and a ball grazed my hat. I instantly made my escape._ On the following day, I made my report to the Chef de la Marine; but all I got for it was an imprisonment of fifteen days. When I came out, I obtained my charge, and left the town the following day. I have the honour to be, &e. A Samos:"
A letter from Brest, of the 15th instant, announces that at seven o'clock the
preceding evening the war-schooner Dons, from Martinique, was laid on her bmm-ends by a sudden squall, just as she was entering the roads, and that she instantly filled and sank. Of the officers and crew, eighty-eight persons, forty- six, including the officers, were drowned. Thirty-six swans on shore on the side at' Brest, and six on that of Lanneoc.
"Inhabitants of Burgos I—The moment approaches when the angelical loveliness which fills the throne of virtue, with clemency acting as her shield, and the pure en- chanting innocence of her friend and companion, with features of celestial smiles, are about to gladden your soil. "Your unstained loyalty has its origin in the cement of the Castilian throne ; in Burgos, as the mother of kings; in Castile, which, honoured, faithful, and generous, has never yielded the palm to any one. "Their Malestlea and Highness are soon about to wander among you I What can I
say;more? ' I announce It to you, and I salute you. " Menus° Muses Y LOPEZ, Political Chief."
An ingenious, though, it must be confessed, a cruel mode has been invented of annoying Narvaez. It seems he has been afflicted for some months past with a certain cutaneous disease' by no means dangerous, but rather tormenting, and which was once supposed to be rather general in North Britain. In addition to this, he has been ailing for some weeks past. Some person has been writing daily from Madrid, anonymously, for the purpose of informing him that a certain slow poison has been administered to him in the North, which was for some time to :produce certain symptoms; all or nearly all of which have actually appeared. The letters reach him every day; and the most affectionate inquiries are made in them about his health, and whether he does not now and then feel an intolerable desire to scratch himself, as well as other signs which are given as the surest indication of having taken poison. He is allowed in them a certain time to live. On a man of Narvaez's violent temper and blustering character, it is not dif- ficult to guess the effect produced by such information incessantly conveyed to him by some anonymous writer. It is stated that he sometimes becomes so furious when he receives these letters that no one dares approach him.—Times.
Messrs. Volney and Co., of London, have obtained the concession of the rail- way from Madrid to Valencia, under certain conditions; the principal one being that they are to deposit 9,000,000 of reals, or about 30,0001., in the Bank of Eng- gland, which sum will be forfeited to the Spanish Government and applied to the improvement of the public roads, if the enterprise be abandoned.
Immense damage has been caused by storms in several districts of Tarragona, Catalonia, Valencia, Logronio, and Arragon. Numbers of poor peasants are pre- paring to emigrate from the province of Alicant to Algiers.
PonrinaaL.—Lisbon letters of the 20th instant state that the Queen re- turned to the capital on the 12th. Her Majesty had conferred upon Senhor Cwta Cabral the title of Count de Thomas.
GREECE.—Athens papers of the 9th instant state that General K:alergi, to whom the last constitutional movement was due, has thought it pru- dent to escape the dangers by which he was surrounded from the gross tind violent conduct of the Ministry, by constituting himself a voluntary eine. He embarked at Athens on board an English steamer, in which Sir Edmund Lyons gave him a passage to Zante; and from the latter place he will probably take a passage to Italy or England.
Traurev.—The Universal Gazette states that an attempt was made to assassinate Riza Pacha, on the 26th August, by means of poison inserted in his food. The quantity administered, however, proved insufficient to effect the object aimed at; and it was expected that he would be perfectly reco- Vered in a few days.
larena.—The half-monthly over-land mail brings intelligence from Madras to the 14th August, from Calcutta and Bombay to the 7th. Although of no great moment, it is not uninteresting; and we subjoin a summary of the principal points. ' The Punjanb remained without material change; for the young Maharajah's having taken a wife was the most important fact. But the province was still dis- tracted by internal dissension. Peshorah Singh was as contumacious as ever, and was acting on the offensive: he had amused himself; since the last advices, by the capture of the fort of Attock, a small post of no political value.
A second attempt had been made to assassinate the Rajah Gholab Singh. On the 6th July, about nine o'clock in the evening, after taking leave of the Sirkar, Gholab Singh was returning to his own house on horseback, guarded by his own men: some one hidden in the ditch of the fort fired at the elephant on which the Bajah usually rode, and which was just going out of the gate when the matchlook was discharged. It was ascertained that two balls hit the umbarree of the howdah. The Rajah directed immediate search to be made for the assassin; but it was un- successful, in consequence of the darkness of the night. When Gholab Singh en- tered the Durbar on the morning after the attempt on his life, he detailed before the Waseer the circumstances, and spoke nearly as follows—" If the Sirkar was anxious to deprive him of his life, he was prepared to die; as he was a servant of the Sirkar, and his life was the Sirkar's. But if the Sirkar had not instigated the attempt, he thought it was but just that he should be aided in his attempt to discover the enemy who had sought to destroy him. The whole of the chiefs of the state were now before him. If any of them were anxious to see an end put to Ins life, let him stand forth and he was prepared to meet him hand to hand. Or if he wished to decide the matter with troops, he was eqnally prepared. But to places man in the darkness of night in the ditch to lie in wait for him, was the act of a coward, and unbecoming even of a woman !" The chiefs who are known to be the Rajah's enemies dared scarcely look up while he was speaking thus. Sir Hoary Mirage was to leave Calcutta for the North-western provinces on the 25th September; and a part of his establishment had already preceled
Srami.—Queen Isabella returned to Madrid on the 14th instant; so un- expectedly, that the cannon announcing her approach caused much alarm. Madrid was quiet on the 17th; but there are rumours of disturbance in the provinces. The Provincial Deputations of Segovia and Teruel have refused to assemble for the purpose of laying on Sefior Mon's new taxes; and the Heraldolisserts that a conspiracy at Alicant, of which a cousin of Zurbano was leader, has been detected and suppressed. We learn from our Paris correspondent, that during the visit of the Duke and Dutchess of Nemours at Pampeluna, it was arranged that Queen Isabella and her sister, Dona Louisa, should pay a visit to the French Royal Family in the course of next spring.—Morning Chronicle.
The Madrid correspondent of the Morning Post has some revived rumours about the Queen's marriage. "I have received the following, particulars con- cerning the projected marriage of the Infanta with the Duke de Montpensier, from an authentic source; and perhaps they will not prove uninteresting, at a mo- ment when the attention of European statesmen is again being directed towards Spa- nish affairs. The Duke de Nemours was the bearer of a message from his father to the young Queen of Spain, at Pampeluna; the purport of which was, that he would be made supremely happy by seeing the reigning dynasties of Spain and France still more closely united by an alliance between the Infanta and his only unmarried son. This marital feeler was received with undisguised satisfaction by Queen Christina, who continues to rule over her two daughters' minds with des- potic sway; and by her advice the young Isabel, who, by-the-by, would have been glad to have procured the French Prince for herself, returned a most gracious an- swer. This marriage may therefore be regarded as a settled thing; the more so as I hear the Queen of Great Britain was induced by the King of the French, during her last visit to him, to give her consent to it."
When Queen Isabella was expected at Burgos, the Political Chief issued this eloquent notice; destined by the exquisite euphuism of its language to immor- tality.
him thither. He was not accompanied in his tour of observation by any member- of his Council. From the circumstance of his having ordered a bridge of boats. to be transported to Ferozepore, and the gradual concentration of troops on the frontier, it is presumed that he _was prepared to act with vigour should he be called upon so to do.
Scinde was tolerably quiet. No further news had been received of Major Cor- bellis's expedition against the hostile tribes. The cholera had abated. Much dissatisfaction had been occasioned by a system of taxes recently imposed on dealings at shops:, which fell heavily on the soldiers.
The proceedings in a recent Court-martial at Kurrachee are remarkable. As- sistant-Apothecary and Steward Francis Lonsone, of the Second Troop Bombay Horse Artillery, had been charged with " being drunk in his quarters in camp, between the hours of seven and eight, on or about the night of the 6th June 1845." He was convicted, and sentenced by the Court to be suspended from rank and pay for six months. Sir Charles Napier sent back the sentence for revision, with these remarks—" I am sorry to revise the proceedings; but I hope that the Court will take into consideration the feelings of the troops when they see a man so slightly punished for drunkenness—a man who is intrusted with the com- pounding of medicine, among which are deadly poisons—a man intrusted also with administering those medicines to the soldiers. The latter are not on the. footing of officers, who are able to refuse the prescription or the medicine offered. by a drunken man; but the private soldiers are obliged by the necessary rules of the service to receive what is ordered, and dare not refuse what is given by one who has voluntarily deprived himself of reason. Will the Court force back into the hospital such a culprit, and place the lives of brave men in his hands 2 Will the Court, thus oblige the soldier to take the medicine or the poison_ offered, or rather, I should say, forced upon him by this drunken cul- prit ? I ask the members of the Court to place themselves in the posi- tion of the families of soldiers, as well as in that of the men, and ask them- selves what would be their feelings if they saw those nearest and dearest to them lying on the bed of sickness, and a drunken person like the prisoner enter their bedroom to prescribe, to compound, or to admuuster medicine ? I cannot believe that any member of the Court would in such a case consider six months' suspen- sion an adequate punishment. Let the members of the Court be apprized that the soldier sees all those things clearly, and reasons soundly upon what he sees. If what I have said be true, will not the Court agree with me, that to leave such a culprit in the service, is to endanger the lives of the soldiers and to shake- their confidence in the protection of their officers, the only protection they can have against such criminals." In consequence of this appeal, the Court revised its judgment, and sentenced L,onsone to be discharged from the service. In sign- ing the new sentence, Sir Charles Napier appends the following " Mem." "I have to express my approbation of the conduct of Sergeant-Major Siddell and Gunner Pitt. The Sergeant-major acted like a good soldier in putting the infamous cul- prit under arrest I have also observed the evidence given by John Burtwhistle,, who has sworn to a falsehood. I would bring John Burtwhistle to a court-mar - tial for perjury; but I conclude he WAS as drunken as his companion, the infamous Lonsone."
Colonel Outram had addressed a letter to General W. F. P. Napier, announ- cing his intention to publish "as full and complete a refutation" as his political position would admit of the "calumnies and misrepresentations" contained in the Conquest of Scinde; giving some counter-statements by way of samples.
There was little new from Affghanistan. The cholera had abated; but Dust Mohammed was embarrassed by complaints from his soldiery that Akhbar Khan had ill-treated them and had not paid them. The inns:Lea-of Peshawar and Akhbir's pilgrimage to Mecca seem to have been alike abandoned.
Sonic recent enactmetits by the Central or Local Governments are spoken of with approval. "Another educational notification," says the Calcutta Overland' Star, purporting to be supplementary to the celebrated resolution of the 10th. October, has also appeared. The Star has pointed out that its effect actually is- to establish a University of Calcutta, inasmuch as it provides a Central Board. of Examination at which all candidates for Government notice will be obliged to undergo a personal examination. Those who succeed, and no others, will be in- serted in the annual lists contemplated by the resolution; and those who do ob- tain a place on those lists, however distinguished, are forewarned not to expect Government employment as a matter of course-' other qualifications besides lite- rary and scientific ones and a good moral character being indispensable to such employment. We hope the formal establishment of a university will not be de- layed much longer." Another measure was an enactment appointing agents for the suppression of the Meriah sacrifices in the hill-tracts ot Orissa. "These tracts, to which the enactment refers, extend along the sea-coast from the Gods- very to the Mahanuddy ; and lie partly in the Madras and partly in the Bengal Presidency, comprising a region of about three hundred miles in length and about one hundred in 13readth. It is inhabited by three distinct races—the Coles, the Sauras, and the K.kends; the last of whom are the perpetrators of the human sacrifices now suppressed. The Meriahs are victims of low caste purchased or kidnapped by certain dealers, who dispose of them to the Khaeds, by whom they are then reared with even more care than an Eng- lish farm-wife bestows on her poultry. A stock of these unfortunate crea- tures is always preserved on hand to meet the exigencies of any natural convulsion or social calamity, when they are offered up to the Earth-god by whose agency the misery is supposed to arise. To the exertions of Captain MPherson the country is indebted for the enactment of the present law, which it is hoped will put aa end to the sanguinary practice."
The Legislative Council of Bombay had published an act for abolishing the drawback system in reference to cotton shipped from that port; and the mercan- tile community had been invited to pronounce their opinions upon its provisions. The situation of Master in Eqmty in the Bombay Supreme Court had been: conferred on Mr. W. Brooks, an attorney; who, though he has had considerable practice at home, had only been in India a few months and was consequently sup- posed to know little of courts of law in the country.
A public sensation had been created in Bengal by a fatal duel, attended by circumstances unusually revolting. The combatants were Lieutenant Tulloch, of the Twenty-second Native Infantry, and Mr. Nelson, a nautical gentleman. The cause of the quarrel is said to have been rivalry for the favours of a married lady of Calcutta. Mr. Tulloch horsewhipped Mr. Nelson at the theatre, and afterwards " posted " him. The parties then had a hostile meeting, which. passed off without any injury to either. Accounts, or what purported to be such, of what took place at the theatre, having found their way Into the English- man, Mr. Nelson sent his version of the affair to the same journal. To this Mr. Tulloch replied in a very insulting letter, and another meeting wits the result. It took place near Barmckpore. Mr. Tulloch's second was an officer who was so young that he is called "a boy," and whose commanding-officer- had just before applied to have him removed from the Army on the ground of de- ficiency of intellect! Mr. Nelson's "friend" was the husband of the lady men- tioned, an assistant in one of the Government-offices. It is said that Mr. Tulloch and his second both went to the ground in a state of intoxication—that they had drunk twenty-eight bottles of beer during the previous night. Mr. Tulloch re- eeived a ball in the shoulder; it glanced to the spine; • and, after lingering a few days, he died of the wound. The seconds, ends third party who was on the field, were tried before the Supreme Court; but the surviving principal, Mr. Nelson, had not yet been apprehended.
There had been more incendiarism in Bombay harbour: the ship Futtety Mombaruck had been set on fire, and two bales of cotton partially burned. Rewards. for the detection of the offender had been offered in vain. Intelligence had been received, that two Alpe, the Hydrabad and Caringa Packet bound to Calcutta from Sydney, had been last in Torres Straits. "The former," says a Calcutta paper, " had on board a large adventure of Australian horses for our market, twelve of which were for Government service: she brought also about two hundred tons of Sydney coal, as an experiment; which, from all we have heard, promised to turn out highly successful."
• Jav.a.—The Calcutta Star mentions a startling commercial measure • adopted by the Dutch Colonial Government- " The Government has issued an ordinance prohibiting cash payments by the Bank of Java, and also forbidding the admission of suits to enforce them by the Courts of Judicature. This has made some stir; and will probably compel the authorities, if there be an adequate expression of public opinion, to attempt the • amelioration of the wretched commercial system to which that island, with its noble capabilities, is at present a victim."
Dom.—The Manchester Guardian gives an extract of a letter, written at Valparaiso on the 13th June, reporting the adjustment of a petty difference between the British and the Peruvian Government—.
"You are aware that some time ago there bad been some misunderstanding between our Consul in Arica and the Peruvian Government; that the Consuls house had been forcibly entered, besides other outrages committed; and that orders from Lord Aberdeen had been received to demand satisfaction for the in- sult to the British flag. Our Minister at Lima Mr. Adams, applied to the Go- vernment, making them aware of positive instructions he had received, and ad- vised them to settle the matter without the necessity of using compulsion. After waiting a fortnight without anything being dOne, the final demands were sent in, giving them forty-eight hours to decide, at the expiration of which term the town of Callao would be fired upon. The Collingwood,Fishguard, Modeste, • Daphne, and Cormorant steamer, were then all ready for operations. The Modeste, however, was sent up to Arica, to be ready to blockade that port if it became necessary. However' before the forty-eight hours expired, the terms were acceded to; which were, the displacement of the Prefect of Tacna, who was the obnoxious person, taking away his rank of General, &c. It is really laughable to see the airs these petty republics give themselves; and they have often taken ad- vantage of John Bull's forbearance: but this will be a lesson for them." BRAzit.—Advices from Rio de Janeiro come down to the 30th July, from Bahia to the 13th August. The Minister of Finance had communi- cated to the Chamber of Deputies several projects of laws: among the first for importance is the withdrawal of paper money and the substitution of
• metallic currency in its stead. To attain this object, the Government will engage not to issue paper for the future. There are to be commercial dis- tricts for special bills, to which divisions these bills are to be limited. For the more early and efficient withdrawal of the paper currency, a bank is to be established at Rio de Janeiro for discounts and circulation, with a capital of 15,000 contos.
BUENOS ArEas.—Letters dated on the 19th July state that the British and French Ministers did not entirely agree on the course to be adopted against Roses; but that on the 8th July the two Ministers intimated to him that he must cause his forces, by sea and by land, to retire from before Monte Video; they guaranteeing that all strangers should withdraw from the military service of the Monte Videan Government.
• UNITED Srsxss.—The packet-ship Sea, whieb left New York on the 3d instant, arrifecl at Liverpool on Thursday. The only passage of in- terest in the papers is the following from the Baltimore Correspondent of the 1st; which is by some of the journals treated as if the rumour in ques- tion were not so palpably false as it is here assumed to be- " There was an idle rumour here yesterday, which may have reached you, to the effect that General Taylor, the Commander of the United States troops, had fought a battle with the Mexicans, and had been defeated, himself killed, and over Eve hundred troops taken prisoners. It had no claim to truth, though in every- body's mouth."