27 OCTOBER 1855, Page 10


Mr. Thillah began his usual series of Choral Concerts at St. Martin's Hall, on Wednesday evening, with an excellent performance of St. Paul. For solo-singers he had Madame Clara Novelle, Miss Palmeri Mr. Lockey, Mr. Winn, and Mr. l3uckland. Mr. Wina made his debt in London: he is a good, steady, Yorkshire singer, with a baritone voice of moderate power and quality. Be promises to make himself useful in sacred music. The choruses, on the whole, were well sung : but they are excessively difficult, and there occasionally was a.lack of that aplomb which arises .(as in singing The Messiah). from the choristers feeling them- selves at home. The hall was crowded ; and-the audience were liberal in their applause, and somewhat too liberal in their encores.: a bad prac- tice at all times, and especially in performances of this nature. The Sacred Harmonic Society will begin their performances in a few weeks.: they are to produce. Costa's new oratorio, DU, which was so suc- cessful at.Birmingham. The copyright of this work has been, purchased by Messrs: Addison and Co. ; who are preparing it for publication, not only in the-usual " arranged!' form, but in full-orchestral score,a thing Which: music-publishers m this country scarcely ever.have had the spirit to do.