27 NOVEMBER 1993, Page 32

Encouragement needed

Sir: What a shame that Damian Thompson should so misrepresent the issue of sus- pending presentation to benefices in the Church of England (`I\lot so divine inter- vention', 23 October).

Here in the Diocese of Canterbury we are striving to ensure that the Church of England is able to continue its work of wor- shipping God and proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ to all, in rich parish and poor. Over the next few years that may mean the humane slaughter of some sacred cows as well as the use of 'modern manage- ment techniques'. (But are these tech- niques any less a gift from God than man- made patronage systems?) Far more important will be the prayer, love and gen- erosity of spirit of Christian folk who care deeply for the Gospel and the Church.

The Church's task would be easier if Mr Thompson used his influential platform to encourage rather than to criticise, to build up rather than to pull down, to trust rather than to suspect.

David Kemp

Diocesan Secretary, Diocese of Canterbury, Diocesan House, Lady Wootton's Green, Canterbury, Kent