27 MAY 1949, Page 18


think that the British public may be misled by the expressions "Polish spy ring," " Polish Embassy," " Polish military atlachi," etc.; uied by the Press in connection with the trial of Kaczmarek and the recent Eisler affair. The fact is that the " spy ring" was organised by the Soviet agents acting under the guise of Poland's diplomatic repre- sentatives. The same applies to the above-mentioned second incident.

The fate of my country is tragic indeed: first a Government of Com- munist puppets was imposed on her with the connivance of the Western Powers—and now Poland's name is being abused and associated with Communist misdeeds. As your paper has always shown a sympathetic understanding for the cause of Poland's freedom, I hope you will appre,- elate my motives in writing this letter.—Yours faithfully, M. BraLsia,_ 55 Exhibition Road, S.W.Q.