27 MARCH 1852, Page 20


Tuesday, March 23.

.ParintaSHIPS DIB8OLvED.—Coulthart and Coke, Blackburn, travelling drapers- Edwarde and Co. Colwyn, Carnarvonshire, grocers—J. and G. Russell, Holyland Nether, Yorkshire, tanners—Sykes and Mitchell, Darfield, Yorkshire, colliery-work- ers—Balch and Knowlden, Lichfield Street, water-gliders—Roberts and Wagner, Bull's Head Court, Newgate Street, perfumers—Hrunsworth and Tetley, Liverpool, brewers—Kennedy and Spence, Hull, woollen-drapers—Robinson and Cuilwick, Bir- mingham, grocers—Gibbons and Brown, Salford, manufacturers; as far as regarde J. Gibbons—Lewis and Co. Leamington Priers, silk-mercers—Sidebotham and Co. Hyde, Cheshire, cotton-spinners—Garlick and Hurst, Huddersfield, coal-merchants —Dyer and Wigley, Belper, joiners—Butterfield and Co. Victoria Street, merchants —Hughes and Pack, Aldersgate Street, coffee-house-keepers—P. B. and K. Cow, Bishopagate Street Within, lace-manufacturers—Peate and Co. Ashton-under-Lyne, milliners; as far as regards M. Tomlin—Orrell and Brierley, fancy-dress-mixed- goods-manufacturers—M•Bean and Co. Glasgow; Jamieson and Co. Demerara; Bamsays and Co. and Bamsays, Graham, and Co. Trinidad, merchants ; as far as re- gards D. M`Bean—Cowan and Strachan, Edinburgh; as far as regards A. Strachan. BaxenneTcy ANNULLED.—LOREN9 Tnaonoa Wargo, Sunderland, merchant.

Baxley:rms.—Joan Bearica, High Street. Camberwell, corn-dealer, to surrender March 27, Aptil 80: solicitor, Wilson, Gresham Street; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street, (and not Canna, as before advertised) — Wir.m.tar STEVENS, High Holborn. upholsterer, April 2, May 7: solicitor, Taylor, South Street, Finsbury Square ; official assignee, Canaan, Aldermanbary—Joni Woon, Putney, brewer, March 31, May 4: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers; official as- signee, Graham—Cuestas HENRY WHITE, Southampton, dealerin china, March 29, May 8: solicitor, Braikenridge, Bartlett's Buildings ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street—Ilienann Caemaaay.axM, Uttoxeter, draper, April 3, May3 : soli- citors, Cox, knee Lane ; Motteram and Co. Birmingham; official assignee, &Weston, Birmingham—Joms CADWAN, Derby, grocer, April 2, 30: solicitors, Vallick, Derby; Motteram and Co. Birmingham; official assignee, Bittleston, Nottingham—James LUZPORD, Market Rosen, draper, April 14, May 5 : solicitor, Tweed, Lincoln ; offi- cial assignee, Carrick, Hull—ROBERT Tomenesos Caetisrit, Sheffield, builder, April 3, May 15 : solicitors, Broomhead jun. and Fernell, Sheffield; official assignee, Free- man, S.heffield—Wiaaux TODD and James TODD, Liverpool, provision-merchants, April 5, 26: solicitor, Holden, Liverpool; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool- ANSON HARDY, Liverpool, general merchant, April 2, May 6: solicitor, Holden, Li- verpool; official assignee. Turner, Liverpool—GEORGE Formes, Chorlton-upon-Med- lock, joiner, April 5, 28: solicitors, Whitworth, Manchester; official assignee, Poll, Manchester. DIVIDENDB.—April 16, Hann% Saddleworth, clothier—April 16, Ellis, Rotherhithe Wall, ironmonger—April 16, Sabine, Poppin's Court, card-maker—April 16, Murray, Gracechurch Street, Manchester warehouseman—May 4, Robinson, Almondbury, dpoolyer—April 21, Duggan, Maryport, Cumberland, draper—April 19, Storey, Hartley-

, draper.

Czarinas:res.-2h be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting..—April 15, Clapham Strand, victualler—April 21, Duggan, Maryport, Cum- berland, draper—April 20, Belshaw, Manchester, joiner—April 23, Gladnin, Not- tingham, draper—May 3, Furniss, Ahnondbury, woollen-cloth-manufacturer.

DECLaRavions or DiviDENne..—Phillips, Birmingham, druggist ; 'first div. of 1144. any Thursday; Christie, Birmingham—Slate, Hatton Garden, bookbinder ; first dm. of 18. Ref any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street—Barker, Exmouth Street, cheesemonger; first div. of Sid. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street- Pranekeis, Portsea, woollen-draper; second div. of llid. any Wednesday ; Whit- more, Basinghall Street—Vouillon, Princes Street, Hanover Square, court-milliner; second div. of 2id. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street—May, Brecknock Terrace, Camden Town, draper; second div. of 54. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street—Leigh, Glossop, cotton-manufacturer; first div. of 2s. hid. March 30; or any sulisequent Tuesday ; Pott, Manchester—Heardman, Manchester, wine- merchant; first div. of 414. March 30, or any subsequent Tuesday; Pott, Man- chester—Birch, Chorkon-upon-Medlock, brewer; first div. of fur. 44. March 25, and every subsequent Thursday; Lee, Manchester—Seymour, Sunderland, woollen- draper; first div. of 48. March 27th or any subsequent Saturday ; Baker, New- caetle-upon-Tyne.

8coveu Svuearraavion.—Adanis, Glasgow, professor of music, March 25, April 15.

Friday, March 26.

ParerliTanzeteit-Dissomen.—Wooley and Sanders, Maidstone, chemists—Skidmore and Teasley, carriers, Nottinghani—Astins and Cawley, Fore Street, paper-dealers- Holard and Co. Lancaster, stone-cutters—Burgess and Turner, Wath-upon-Dearne, Yorkshire, quarrymen—Barr and Turnbull, Manchester, cotton-manufacturers—Bow ler and Manistre, Langley Place, Commercial Road East, confectioners—The Easton Coal Company, Bristol; as far as regards C. W. Finzel—J. and M. Slater, Droyles- den, Lancashire, provision-dealers—Mitchell and Watson, Aldgate High Street, li- nen-drapers—Willmer and Stocker, Baker Street, surgeons—Morris and Wilkins, Church Street, Shoreditch, lour-factors—Landor Tin-plate Company, Llangavelach, Swansea; as far as regards C. H. Morris—Vink and Speller, Wapping, ship-chand- lers—H: and J: WItaith, Lancaster, linen-drapers—J. and H. Shaw, Huddersfield, manufacturers of tin and iron-plate goods—Lewis and Owens, Melin Adds, Mills, Anglesey, millers—Mitchell and Duthie, Chester Mews, Grosvenor Place, carpenters —Taylor and Fitzmaurice, Birmingham, paviors—Barnes and Son, Liverpool, ship- brokers—Fletcher and Bate, Kidderminster, auctioneers—Teale and Best, Bradford, Yorkshire, auctioneers—Bailey and Warren, Langley-in-Sutton, Cheshire, bleachers —Cut Glees Company, Birmingham—Child and Co. Halifax, woollen-spinners- Barking Ice Company, Barking; as far as regards G. Taylor—The Bank of Manches- ter; as far as regards W. Adam and W. Chalmers. BANKRUPTCY SUPER9EDED.—Thowas Ntertare, Reading. Ilaneittrels.Joior HALL, Croydon, confectioner, to surrender April 2, May 7 : solicitor, Healey, Basinghall Street; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street— FREDERICK Riau, Brighton, perfumer, April 5, May 6: solicitors, Freeman and Bothamley, Coleman Street ; Chalk, Brighton official assignee, Bell, King's Arms YttidEDWARD MORGAN, Portman Market, victualler, April 8, May 6: solicitor, Pollock, Essex Street; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court—Cuestas GREEN, Spalding, scrivener, April 16, 30: solicitors, Jebb, Boston ; Jabet, Birmingham; offi- cial assignee, Bittleston, Nottingham—Davin HENRY THOMAS, Tyntwyr, Carnar- vonshire, draper, April 6; May 10: solicitor, Bunting, Manchester; official assignee, Morgan; Livemool—Putur Hrreamovon, Liverpool corn-dealer, April 14, May 10: 90licitors; MaRaby and Townshend, Liverpool; official assignee. Casenove, Liverpool. Dramorns.—April 17, Elliott, Chichester, builder—April 17, Player, Braintree, grocer—April 16, Smith, Warner's Buildings, Old Kent Road, corn-merchant- April 16,-J. and J. F. King, Wells Row, Islington, builders—April 16, Andrews, Southampton, ironmonger—April 22, Moss junior, Stock, Essex, miller—April 22, Pugsley, Bread Street, warehouseman—April 16, G. and S. Pim, Birkenhead, mer- chants—April 31, Morton, Walsall, chemist—April 20, Clarke and Buckles, Man- chester, brick-makers. Ciwriplcaxxs.--Tb be ranted, unless cause be shown to flee contrary, on the day of mecting.—April 20, Robinson, West Lynn, grocer—April 17, Houston, St. James's Terrace, Harrow Road, builder—April 16. Mayor, Liverpool, ship-chandler—April 19, Kitson, Liverpool, printer—April 19, Haywood, Birmingham, grocer.

'DECLARATIONS OF Divrnmsns.—Mackenzie, Lower Crown Street, Westminster, bookbinder; first div. of 18:44. March 27, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Ed- wards, Sambrook Court—Edwards, Brighton, carpenter; first div. of Ls. 54. March 27, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court—Richter Soho Square, bookseller; third div. of id. March 27, and three subsequent Saturdays; EdWards, Sambrook Court—Langford, John Street, Pentonville, brewer; first div. of ls. 7d. March 27, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court— Keen, John Street, Pentonville. brewer; first div. of 38. 3d. March 27, and three subseqUent Saturdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court—Brown sen. and jun. Broad Street, Bateliffe, sail-makers; second div. of ld. and 28. 114. on new proofs, March 27, and three subsequent Saturdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court—Law, Birkenhead, he/01441er ; first div. of 14. March 29, and any subsequent Monday, except Easter Monday; Bird, Liverpool—Johnson, Liverpool, merchant; third div. of id. March 29,iutd any subsequent Monday except Easter Monday ; Bird, Liverpool—M'Viccar, Liverpool, merchant; third div. of 1014. March 29, and any subsequent Monday ex- cept. Easter Monday; Bird, Liverpool—Blarney, Gwennap, Cornwall, grocer; first &v. of 58. any Tuesday or Friday after March 30; Hernaman, Exeter—Avant, Brid- port, music-seller ; div. of 74. any Tuesday or Friday after March 30; Hernaman, xeter—Banfield and Lewis, Devonport, wine-merchants; first div. of 48. 6d. any Tuesday or Friday after March 30; Hernaman, Exeter—Wileman, Earl Shilton, Leicestershire, hosier; first div. of 48. 8d. April 6, 20, or the two subsequent alter- nate Tuesdays; Bittleston, Birmingham, Barna Szuozscrornau.—Halliday, Glasgow, wine-merchant, April 1, 23.