The English Glee and Madrigal Union-gave the last of a
series of per- formances at Willis's Rooms on Monday evening. We formerly noticed the formation of this society, and the successful commencement of their labours last season. These labours, during the present season, have been continued with increasing success; and they have brought into its pris- tine vogue a beautiful species of music, for many years neglected. The members of the society are Mrs. Ende;sohn, Miss Williams, Mr. Hobbs, Mr. Lockey, Mr. Francis, Mr. Phillips, and Mr. Land, all sound mu- sicians ; and by dint of constantly practising and singing together, they have acquired a precision, delicacy, and perfect ensemble, which old ama- teurs remember in the days of Billington, Vaughan, and Bartleman. During their recent concerts, they have greatly heightened the interest by intermingling -the glees and madrigals with songs and duets by the best English composers • and it is no small pleasure to have the combina- tions of Wilbyc, Webbe, and Stephens; varied by the melodies of Purcell, Arne, Linley, itorace, and Shield. The series of concerts just terminated is, we understand, to be followed by another commencing at the end of next month.