8 ASH AT ARIANISM SIR,_There is really no need for
Mr. Legerton to wonder what was my 'main objective' in writing my l a_trticle on Sabbatarianism, for I stated it quite clearly. was to see whether Mr. Legerton or his friends could produce any authority for asserting that their code of Sabbatarianism was Divinely imposed. Mr. 1--e, Berton repeats that 'Sunday is to be observed as the Christian Sabbath' and that his method of ob- ._c_rrving it is 'a God-given asset,' but repetition is 'pr proof. It is slightly silly and unworthy of Mr. -.etgerton to imagine that he and those who think With him alone read the Bible—the more so since must be some time since he himself read either Leviticus 23 or Psalm 118, since neither of these ssts, any uathing about keeping the Sabbath on a tinY, or does either Justin Martyr, Irenwus or Athanasius. All Christians of all denominations have indeed at all times agreed that Sunday was a holy day, but Mr. Legerton must be singularly ill- acquainted both with the writings of the Christian Fathers and with the beliefs and practices of his fellow Christians if he imagines that either the one or the great majority of the other ever agreed that Mr. Legerton's way of keeping it holy was Divinely commanded.—Yours faithfully, CHRISTOPHER HOLLIS Claveys, Mells, near Fronie