27 JULY 1956, Page 28

ACROSS 1 Apocryphal character prone to bulge (6).

4 Miniature battleship in contest? (3,2, 3) 8 The huntress in this garb is naturally in the pink (8).

10 'The wild hawk stood. . . . And , with his foot on the prey' (Tennyson) (6).

12 Vegetables to be eaten with humble pie? (5)

13 Heavenly appearance of Blue Grotto maize. (9)

14 A heap of pears (5).

16 Papers much addicted raillery (9).

17 G. G. Tenniel is very carelessly arrayed (9).

19 What Lancelot did a little space (5).

21 It's a bit early, isn't it? (9) 22 City of the almanach (5).

24 Flag surrounds it going or coming back (6).

25 To walk, unroll a blue mat (8). seemingly to 26 Going back at sea, where severe con- ditinn prevails (8).

27 A paper is about to be published (6).


1 Tom the groundsman (7).

2 Hail to British Railways! (5) 3 Ws a musical life (7).

5 You won't get in on this! (7)

6 One of these chargers wouldn't have interested Salome (9).

7 For the rest, Don, rats! (7) 9 Relative of Joel Chandler Harris (5, 5). 11 'Of great pith and moment'? (10) 15 Corner location provides lead sulphate (9).

17 One gets wrinkled skin after forty winks (7).

18 Princess treads on an upturned nail (7).

19 Silly dramatic Chinaman gets elected, so bossy! (7) 20 Deficiency that's often turned to re- quest (4, 3).

23 Scotsman lurking in Neath (5).

Two prizes will be awarded: a copy ol the Do Luxe edition of Chambers, Twentieth Century Dictionary and a book token for one ginnea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions cowed after atm no August 7 and addressed: Crossword No. 898, 99 Gower St., London, wct Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.

11 • 11 • II • III • 11111111111 il••••11•1111 11•11111111 11111111111 11111•11•11111111 11 • II • 111•••011101111111 ii11111110 • II • • • • • 11111111•11•••• 111111110


11111•1111111 111111•1I••• • • • • 11 • 1111•1111•1111 1111•11•11

Solution on August 10 Solution to No. 896 on page 159

The winners of Crossword No. 896 are: MR. J. W. Ross, 6 The Close, Heath Lane, Blackheath, SE3, and the Ray. W. D. TtiOstas, 13 Holm, Hill, Congleton, Cheshire.