27 JULY 1901, Page 1


THE war news during the week cannot be said to have been very satisfactory, for the telegrams indicate that the Boers are showing renewed activity in the Colony. A train has been captured, and there was a skirmish of a body of our troops under Colonel Crabbe in which we were not successful. Of course these minor drawbacks must not be exaggerated, but they are certainly disappointing. Meantime, the record of captures and surrenders throughout the general field of operations continues to be satisfactory, and on Friday a telegram was published from Lord Kitchener stating that French was gradually pushing the enemy north in the Colony. What is really wanted is increased mobility in our troops. But mobility reduced to its simplest terms means absence of impedimenta,—luggage. When we get soldiers whose only field equipment is a rifle, a bandolier, and a cooking-pot, as is that of the Boer, then, and not till then, shall we really be able to ride down the enemy.