27 JULY 1844, Page 9

_foreign anb

FRANCE.—In the Chamber of Deputies, on Saturday, the budget of receipts was voted, by 209 to 39 ; thus bringing the sessional labours of the assembly to a close. Two important amendments had been adopted,—oue, by M. de Salvandy, that the University-tax, which pro- duces about 20,0001 a year, should cease after January 1845 ; the other, by M. Gamier Pages, that the portion not yet issued of the loan of 450,000,000 francs (18,000,0001.) which the Finance Minister had been authorized to negotiate under the law of 25th June 1841, should be ne- gotiated by means of a public subscription. This amendment is said to have created a great sensation, especially in the indignant M. Rothschild, who had marked the affair for his own.

The accounts from Algiers, to the 16th instant, are not favourable to peace. Offended at the attacks of the Moors, Marshal Bugeaud had attacked them, pursued them for three days' march beyond Ouchda, and returned to his camp at Lalla Magrina on the 15th. He was, however, in want of cavalry-horses, camels, provisions, and water, for an effectual attack on Morocco ; and he had sent to the Prince De Join- -vile, at Gibraltar, to begin his naval operations without delay.

SPAIN is still said to be raising a force against the Mauritanian em- pire : the force is to be raised to 10,000 men, and is to attack and oc- cupy Tangier, while the French are at work elsewhere. Troops were concentrating at Algesiras.

The Prince be Joinville was in the Bay of Algesiras, awaiting orders from his Government, and exchanging courtesies with the local au- thorities.

PORTUGAL.—The Lisbon advices of the 17th instant announce, that the affairs of the Government are in such a miserable plight that it had been obliged to suspend its payments ; a bill for so small a sum as 1201. having been protested!

ITALY is in a ferment with rumours of intestine commotion. At Bologna, on the 16th instant, Signor Ardinghi had been executed—shot in the back ; a manner of striking the blow not calculated to inspire the rebellious with affection or respect.

SWITZERLAND has its troubles ; disturbances having occurred at Schaffhausen on the 16th instant, because M. Hurter, a convert to Catholicity, had arrived from Rome. The Municipal Council had published a proclamation, and taken steps to restore order.

BOHEMIA, too, is said to display the spirit of revolt in all quarters.