27 JULY 1839, Page 10



The exchanges still continue depressed, notwithstanding the great exertions that have recently been made to support them ; the rates of to-day and Tues- day not being at all in advance of those quoted a month ago. It is stated that the Bank have completed an arrangement with the Bank of France, by which, upon the security of the Dead-weight Annuity, they are enabled to draw largely upon Paris ; and it is hoped that by these means a permanent turn will be given to the exchanges. We believe, however, that this report is trace- able only to the fact of an eminent mercantile house numbering among its partners a Bank Director, having drawn largely upon Paris for the last two or


three post-days. This view is in some degree corroborated by the financial proceedings of the Bank during the past week ; that establishment having sold 60,0001. Exchequer Bills on 'Wednesday. at 12s. prem., and also a large amount of Three per Cent. Reduced, at a reduction of per cent. upon the current price of the day,—sacrifices that could only have been made for the purpose of causing a rise m the exchanges by occasioning a scarcity of money, and which would scarcely have been submitted to had there been any arrange- ment subsisting, by which, if carried to any extent, the exchanges must be turned and the dram of bullion stopped. The Funds have been very steady and the fluctuation of Consols has not exceeded per cent. Reduced Three per Cents. have been heavy, in conse- quence of extensive sales; and the proportion between this Stock and Consols was less than usual, the real difference in value between the two Stocks being that of the dividend due upon them, viz. per cent. ; and as Reduced Three per Cents. have three months more dividend upon them than Consols, that Stock ought to be per cent. higher than Consols : yet the diffiirence between them has only been i per cent., and on Wednesday it had fidlen as low ns per cent., but is to-day again per cent. Exchequer Bills have been heavy since the Bank sale, having Ulm from 18 to 8 prem. : but the price has slightly im- proved during the last day or two, and is now 10s. 12s. Bank Stock is heavy, being 187/-4 and 188i ; and India Stork is quoted ut 253 and 254. In the Foreign Market, a recent arrival from Mexico, which has brought intelligence of the ratification by Congress of the plan proposed by Messrs. LizAnni, and partially acted upon, for the conversion of the Debt and over due Dividends, has given increased currency to the Bonds of the Republic ; and the price has risen .from 26 to 29. Buenos Ayres Bonds have also been in demand to-day, at advanced prices ; but the other South American Securities have not improved. The speech of Lord CLARENDON on Tuesday has given some confidence to the speculators in Spanish Stock ; an improvement in price has consequently occurred, and the market is firm at the improved prices.

The European Continental Stocks arc firm, and in demand, in consequence of the good appearance of the English Funds. The dulness of the market for Railway Shares has been in some degree re- lieved by a decline in Croydon Shares, from 2!. to 3/. per Share, the Directors finding it impossible to complete the Railway without borrowing 60,0001. more upon the security of the works.


The only alteration in the price of English Securities has occurred in Ex- chequer Bills, which arc lower, the price being 9s. to Ils. Bank Stuck is quoted at 186k, and India Stock at 252 ; both quotations being 1 per cent. below those of yesterday. In the Foreign Market, prices are generally the same. The usual quarterly return of the assets and liabilities of the Bank of England has been published : as compared with the last, it exhibits a decrease in the amount of bullion of 559,000/., in that of the securities to the extent of 29,0004, and in that of the circulation to the extent of 52,0001.; while the deposits have been increased by 392,000/.

3 per Cent. Consols

911 2 Brazilian 5 per Cents

781 91

Ditto for Accrant

921 DataiA 3 per Cents 75 6 3 per Cent. 11..thiced.. 92g Dutch 2f per Cents


Now as per Cont. Aims......

99 I Portuguese Regeocy bluer Cis. 341 !t- hink Stock

1861 7 Ditto 3 per Cents ..

21f 2 Italia Stock :52 3 Russian (1822) 5 per Cent.... 114 115 Ditto Bonds

131 Exchequer Bills • 9 llpm.

Spanish (1835))5 per Cont....

Deferred Sloe 81 1

Belgian 5 per Cents.

1021 31 Poswive Ditto 4f t