Domaine . San Galdric, Palau-delVidre, 66 200 Elne, PyreneesOrientates, France
The Housmans
Sir: I am endeavouring to found a Housman Society, preferably based on Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, the birthplace of the brothers A. E. and Laurance and their novelist/engraver sister Clemence. Its object will be the research into the life, work and genealogy of the Housman family. It would seek to found its own journal and to collate and publish research done on the lives and work of the Housmans.
Already I have had a lively response from many of the nation's Housman scholars. Would any of your readers interested in joining
the proposed Housman Society communicate with me so that in due course they may be advised of the date, place and time of the inaugural meeting.
J. Hunt