27 FEBRUARY 1847, Page 10



In accordance with an intimation in the House of Commons on Monday, notice has been given that the interest of Exchequer Bills will be raised from lid. to ?a a day. The premium has conseenently. been as high.as 14s., but is today at 5s. Those capitalists interested in the intended competition for the new Loan of 8,000,000E attended, by invitation, at the Treasury Chambers yesterday morning, to learn from the Government the mode in which it is proposed to raise the sum in question. It was then declared that- the loan would be made in Three per Cent Consols, and that no discount would be allowed upon the anticipated pay- ments. The instalments were fixed as follows-

12 per Cent on Friday 5th March.

12 „

„ 9th April.

12 „ „

7th May.

12 „ „ 11th June.

12 „ „

9th Tidy.

12 „ „

6th August 12 „

3d September.

16 „ „ 15th October.

The interest to commence on 5th January' 1847; and for the whole payments- made on or before 2d July the subscribers to receive the half-year's dividend due on 5th July. The bidding to take place at ten o'clock on Monday 1st March, at the Treasury. The -only parties named as likely to compete for it are Messrs. Rothschild and Messrs. Baring: both houses are today receiving applications for subscriptions. It was at first supposed that the Stock created for the pur- poses of this loan would have been Three-and-a-half per Cents; and as the specu- lators were all short of Consols, thisimpression tended to keep up the price. The demand induced many stockholder& to avail themselves of the easy terms upon which money could be raised upon the Stock, and thus to throw it upon the market; so that, at the liquidation of the Account,. which occurred yesterday, Consols were so abundant that the Continuation (or premium paid for carrying over Stock till the April Account) at one period of the day exceeded per cent. When it was known tn-what description of Stock the new loan 111 to be made, the price of Consols for Money fell to 90,—marking a decline of nearly 1 per cent smoe our last report: the price has since improved about 4 percent, the closing quotations of today being by so.much above the lowest quotation. It is supposed that the biddings for the Loan will vary between 89 and 894; the bonus in the shape of the forborne instalments, taken together with the reduced offer, being suilleient profit.

The Foreign Bonds are without any materiaL change, or the occurrence of any large transactions. Indeed, the Interest which the impending Loan attaches to every fluctuation of the English. Funds appears to have attracted the attention of all capitalists. Spanish and Portuguese Bonds are both lower: their decline may be cited as an exception to the general rule; the prices of almost every other de- scription-of Foreign Bonds being well supported, and in some cases rather higher.

'The Railway Share Market is, firm; most of the better class of Shares being rather higher, and the demand for them noticed in our last report still continuing. The Scrip of some of the lessor varieties may be quoted at better prices.

'No transactions of moment, have occurred in the French or Foreign Shares;


Scarcely.a single bargain has occurred in the English_ Funds; our quotations are therefore nearly all nominal. The appearance of the market ..is rather firmer than yesterday. We cannot notice any eh e or business of importance in. the Pampa' Funds. The following are the only bargains as yeLoccusring in Railway. Shares; the transactions indicate a tendency toimprcrve in almost everyinstance: Ambergate, Notts, and Boston; 24 Boston; Stamford; and Birmingham, VI; Caledonian, 274; Eastern Counties, 214; East Lancashire, 74; EastLincolashire, 7;, Great Western (ex. div.), 121; Leeds and Bradford, 794;' Leeds and Thirsk; 214 Limdonandliorth-western, 187; Ditto and South-western, Consolidated-Tenths, 54; Midland, Birmingham, and. Derby, 96; Northern Counties Union, 14; North British, Third-shares, 34; Reading, GuiltlfOrd, and Reigate, 5; Royston and Hitchen, 24; Scottish Central, 224; South Willes, 44; Boulogne and. Amiens, 144; Paris and Strasbourg, 34.


The improvement in the- prices of the. English Funds since the morning has been about 4- per cent. A purchase of 100,000_ Consols for Money by an in- fluential broker having given a tone to the Market, the price for Account has been as high as 904, and for Money 90 t. A, slight reaction- however has since oc. ens-red, and closing quotations are 904 4 for _Money, and 904 4 for -Account. Ex- chequer Bills are pat to 4s. premium, while small bills of 1001. and 2001. have been done at 10s. premium. No, business of importance or fluctuation can he noticed hi the Funds. The Railway Shares are generally improving, and it will be seen, by the prices given below, that the upward tendency of the Market still continues: Aberdeen, 2344; Anibergate, Notts, and Boston, 24 ; Birmingham and Gloucester, 128 4,; Ditto, New . 30; Bristol and Exeter, 774 Caledonian 2744; Ditto, Half-shares, 241: Easiern. Counties; 214 4 4; Great Western, 120 204 1; Ditto, Half-shares„ 704' Ditto, Fifth-shares, 27* 7; London and North-western, 1876; London and Brighton, 554 6 ex dir. ; London and- South- western, 634;yidland, 1214; Ditto, New, 354; Midland, Birmingham, and Der by, 96; Scottish Central, 224-8; Scottish Midland, 244; South-eastern and Tha- yer, 594; Ditto,- New No.. 4,44; York and North Midland, 86; Boulogne and. Aniiens, 144; Dutehjihenisla, 44; East Indian, 4; Great. Northern of France, Constituted, 13; Paris and Strasbourg, Constituted, 34.


Business has been prolonged up to this hour,- and the Market has improved 4 percent since two o'clock, the hourat which the Stock Exchange usually closes on Saturdays: Consols.for Account; 904 91,—a elear improvement of 4 since yesterday. The reason is that the speculators, knowing that, thc capitalists who may succeed in obtaining the loan will give firmness to the Market, are anxiously repurchasing the Stock sold in anticipation of the financial measure.-

3 per Cent Consols 901 1 Danish 3 per Cents 88 90

Ditto for Account.. xi. z Dutch 21 per Cents, • • • • • • • 583 i 3 per CentReduced aw I Ditto 4 per Cents 221

3/ per Cents 921 3 Mexican Spec' Cents. • •1896 224

Long Annuities 91 New Grenada 19, 20.,

Bank Stook 202 4 Partuguese New 5 p. Cta.1841 331 41., Exchequer Bills prem. 4 3 Peruvian. 38 40 .

India Starr Russian 5 perCents III 113, Brazilian 5 per Cents 86 ft Spanish (Active) 5 pee Cents- 241 .25 .

Belgian 41 per Cents 941 6 ' Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 35 1

Buenos Ayres 6 perCent ... 90 2 Venezuela 38 90 Minn' 1 6 per Cents' 930

they may generally be quoted at a trifling advance.