STOCK' EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING.-The Funds continue to droop ; and at the settlement of the February account on Thursday, had a very heavy un- promising appearance. The price of Consols is fully one per cent. lower than the closing price of this day week, being only 91,1 for money, and for the April account, and yet purchasers do not appear. The speculators for a rise have made great efforts to sustain the Market ; but the tide of late has set so stronly against them, that their exertions have been in vain. A great amount of Stock has been sold, and on the account-day money to pay for it was in demand at 4 per cent. and upwards. Yet money cannot be said to be scarce, so long as Exchequer Bills remain at 78s., and India Bonds at 80x. premim. Some of the Scotch Banks are reported to have been selling their Stock, and their example is very likely to be imitated in Other quarters, from the well remembered shrewdness and foresight on former occasions.
As Consols fall, the prospect of a conversion of the 4 per cents. is of course proportionably diminished; and the price of. the latter continues to advance, being now one per cent. higher than it was when Consols were at 941. In the Foreign Market, the most attractive object of speculation has been in Greek Stock, which rose on Tuesday last to 43; and after falling back to 41, again advanced to-day to 43. Before the close of the afternoon, however, the Market gave way a second time to 41. Those who pay even the latter price for such things, must be of more sanguine temperament than we profess to be ; yet we expressed almost the same feeling when the price was 30, and may be as much mistaken in thinking as we do of that of 41. Time will show which is right, but the buyers at these prices should recollect that the game is not yet played out, Brazil Stock droops, at about 69; Portuguese is about 59. In the South American, and Continental Bonds there is no alteration. Spanish Bonds continue to be largely dealt in, but the price has given way to 13.
The Shares Market has been rather more brisk for a day or two past, and higher prices were paid for some of the Mexican Mining Shares yesterday ; but news received via France of another revolution, or insurrection of sonic kind, in that country, has rather abated the demand.
Bank Stock, 218+ 219 Colombian, 22+ 2 3 per Cent. Reduced 92 Ditto, 1824, 6 per Cent.
3 per Cent. Consols, 91* Danish, 3 per Cent. 741 75
3.1 per Cent. 1818, French 5 per Cents.
si per Cent. Reduced, 100 99 1001 Ditto 3 per Cents.
New 4 per Cents. 1822, 1024 2 Greek 5 per Cent. 402
4 per Cents. 1826, Mexican, 6 per Cent. 242. 25 Long Annuities, (which expire 5th Jan. Neapolitan,5 per Cent.
1860) 191 11-16ths Peruvian, 6 per Cent. 191 191 India Stock, div. 236 per Cent. 247 Portuguese, 5 per Cent. 59
South Sea Stock, div. 31 per Cent. Prussian,
India Bonds, (4 per Cent. until March, Russian, 1101 111
1829, thereafter 3per Cent.) 77 Spanish, 132 13 Exchequer Bills, (interest lid, per cent. :WARES.
per diem,) 77 76 Anglo-Mexican, 381. 10s. 38/. 10s. Consols foe Account 91,3 g 2 Brazilian, Imperial, 831. 10$. 841. 10s.
FOREWN FUNDS. Real del Monte, 581. 601.
Austrian Bonds, 5 per cent. Bolanos, 450 460
Brazilian Bonds, 5 per cent. 69 1 Colombian, 71. 10s. 11. 10s.
Buenos Ayres, 6 per Cent. United Mexican, 19/. 20/.
SATURDAY, THREE-QUARTERS PAST TWELVE.-The CODS01 Market has been very heavy this morning, and the price down to 911- selling for April, but is now a little better, say 91i, for money, and 912 for the account. In the Foreign Market there is scarcely any business. THE KING.—His Majesty held a Court on Wednesday, at his Palace at Windsor, which was attended by the Prussian Minister, the Lord Chan- cellor, the Lord President of the Council, and other Officers of State. The Judge-Advocate-General had an audience of the King, and laid before his Majesty the proceedings of a number of Courts Martial, for the purpose of receiving his Majesty's commands respecting them. His Majesty after- wards held a Privy Council.
His Majesty has been pleased to accept a richly gilt and beautifully exe- cuted set of buttons, of Birmingham manufacture, ;Wen the deputation of the trade now in London. The Duke of Cumberland is said to be still confined by illnevs at Kew. Some gossips doubt the illness, and substitute a brother's displeasure. The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester have arrived in town for the season. The Speaker holds his first Parliamentary Levee to-day.