OLD BAILEY SESSIONS.— The Sessions closed on Monday ; when
the Recorder passed the following sentences :— Deatiz.—.T. Crane, G. Witt, R. Farthing, and Wm. Adams, for stealing in a dwelling- house ; G. Williams, H. Richards, T. Burdett, 'P. Sales, and .1. Webber, for house- breaking and larceny ; Win. Jones, alias Grey, for horse-stealing; and W. H. Watkins, for uttering a forged bill of exchange. Transportation for life.—J. Brown, 13. Nicholls, alias Page, G. Walker, JeHarris, Caroline Busey, alias Johnson, Sarah Beazeley, Mary Weekes, Susan Jones, Fred. Buckoke, D. Hammett, and Win. Shobert. For fourteen years.—Ten for various offences. For seven years.—Thirty-seven. Several were sen- tenced to various terms of imprisonment from two years to seven days.
MATRICIDE AxaStricinz.—The flirts Mercury states, that on Tues- day two respectable females, mother and daughter, were found drowned in the New River near Cheshunt. From some scraps of writing that have since been discovered, it would seem that the daughter had meditated her mother's death and her own. No doubt is entertained that she forced her mother into the water, and then drowned herself.
A burglary was committed about three o'clock on Sunday last, in the house of M. le Plastrier, a watchmaker in Cheapside. The thieves entered
by means of a skeleton key, and carried off a number of timepieces. •
Three men have been fully committed at Aylesbury for the murder of Mr. William Edden, of Theme. The murder was committed in October 1828.
John Denton Holt, who about six weeks ago robbed his employers, Messrs. Ralph and Swayne, of Dublin, of about 1500/., has been appre- hended at Liverpool, and nearly 1400/. found upon his person. The Kentish Gazette states, that during a parish meeting last week, at the Bull Inn, Benenden, a musket loaded with shot was fired through the window of the room in which the meeting was held.