27 DECEMBER 1969, Page 27

Answers to quiz


1.(a) Red Grouse (b) Chichester (c) Isaiah liii.6 (d) Henry VIII (e) it is a poem of one line.

2. (a) George Hirst (b) the Oval (c) 15. (d) 13.

3. (a) The Three Musketeers (b) the United. States of America (c) the Order of the Bath.

4. The Heinkel 111, like the Me 110; the Dornier 217 and the Junkers 88 had two engines, the others, the Me 109. the Focke Wulf 190 and the Ju 87. one (all German aircraft during World War Two).

5. Under the binary system.

6. (a) Charles Dickens. Mr Squeers (b) Robert Graves. Nelson.

7. (a) Prokofiev (b) Vaughan Williams (c) Rachmaninov (d) Berlioz (e) Rimsky-Korsa- kov (f) Bruckner.

8. South (or 180 degrees).

9. Rome, Cassius (Julius Caesar).

10. (a) the Devil (Dr Johnson) (b) George IV (c) Socrates (Milton) (d) Boswell (Macaulay) (e) Washington.


1. It is the numeral version of the old Mirky telenhone exchnnge, the change was first announced by Benn in 1965. the Abbey in question is dedicated to St Peter. was founded by Edward the Confessor. and the Conserv:oive Party is on that exchange.

2. Valentine and Proteus.

3. Abraham Lincoln. the dedication of the

Gettysburg Memorial 1863.

4. (a) George V, George III, James IT, Charles 1, Henry VIII, Henry II, William I (b) Richard of York (father of Edward IV and Richard III).

5. Louis XIV.

6. Holland, Andorra, Sweden, Lichtenstein, Turkey, Albania.

7. Dick and Ned, churchyard and gaol (A. E. Housman).

8. (a) Byron (b) Hardy (c) Scott (d) Charles Kingsley (e) Fletcher.

9. As their inventor Ricardo (d.1558) said 'nothing is more equal than parallel lines'.

10. Louis XIV, William III, the battle of Landon.


I. (a) Now in the First Division : Coventry, Ipswich, Crystal Palace, Derby County, Notts Forest, Southampton. Now in the Third Division : Luton, Fulham, Leyton Orient. (b) the Foreign Office (including Colonial and Commonwealth) (all other mergers involve splitting of functions be- tween several ministries; Mr Crosland's new overlordship is not a department). (c) Aria- nism, Socinianism, Nestorianism, Sabel- lianism.

2. President Kennedy, Aldous Huxley, C. S. Lewis.

3. (a) the Great Fire of London. (b) It is the only year which includes all the Roman numerals in proper order-t►tnet.xvt.

4. (a) St Petersburg until 1914, Petrograd until 1924; (b) Tsaritsyn until 1925, Stalin- grad until 1961; (c) Byzantium until 330, Constantinople until 1453.

5. They all 'reigned' simultaneously: the first and last were antipopes.

6. (a) they were thrown into the burning fiery furnace. (b) they were promoted.

7. (a) Corinthian (b) Ionic (c) Doric (d) Corinthian (e) Doric (f) Ionic.

8. By 'his cockle hat and staff and sandal shoon' (Hamlet IV. 5.) 9. (a) Worcester. (b) Middlesex. (c) Essex.

10. (a) bufo (the toad). (b) perdix (the part- ridge). (c) meles (the badger). (d) troglodytes (the wren). (e) pyrrhocorax (the chough-see Lear IV. 6.) (f) pica (the magpie).


1. (a) Wisconsin (Madison), Nebraska (Lin- coln), Mississippi (Jackson), Missouri (Jeffer- son). (b) Herbert Hoover. (c) From want and fear, of speech and worship. President Roosevelt.

2. The Lady of Shalott.

3. (a) It is the Kochel number of Mozart's Symphony no 37, of which all but the introduction was written by Michael Haydn.

4. (a) Hirohito. (b) Haile Selassie. (c) Edward VIII, Emperor of India. (d) Bao Dai of Vietnam.

5. (a) Matthew (b) Luke (c) Luke (d) John (e) Mark (f) John (g) Luke (h) Mark.

6. Antigone, Ismene, Polynices, Eteocles.

7. '0,o.o what a lovely war'.

8. (a) Early English (b) Perpendicular (c) Norman (d) Decorated (e) Norman (f) Per- pendicular.

9. Greece, America. France, England.

10. (a) The Birth of Venus by Botticelli (b) Dejeuner sur l'herbe by Manet (c) 'Et ego in Arcadia' by Poussin (d) Rembrandt's Supper at Emmaus (e) Caravaggio's Supper at Emmaus (f) Vermeer's Lady at the Vir- ginals (the three characters on the right are in a picture) (g) the Leonardo Cartoon (h) The last two,


1. Romney and Hythe.

2. Gules, azure, vert, sable, purpur.

3. They were all artists.

4. Captain Scott, Oates, Evans, Wilson, Bowers.

5. Ether-the fifth element.

6. They contain the highest peaks in their five continents (McKinley, Elbruz, Aconcagua, Everest, Kilimanjaro).

7. Nicholas, Swithin, Roger, James, Timothy.

8. (a) the Kent Stour (b) Suffolk (c) Dorset (d) Dorset and Warwickshire (f) Worcester- shire.

9. Turnhill, which in reality is Tunstall.

10. (a) orchids (b) ferns (c) mosses (d) fungi.


1. Antrim, Derry, Down, Fermanagh, Armagh, Tyrone.

2. They were invented by Napier to speed his calculations based on the Number of the Beast, 666.

3. (a) Richard III, Richard II, Henry IV Part I, King John, Merchant of Venice, Two Gentlemen of Verona. (b) Romeo and Juliet, Henry V, Henry VIII. Troilus and Cressida, Pericles. Henry IV Pt. II.

4. (a) Douglas-Home, Macmillan, Eden, Ramsay MacDonald, Balfour, Salisbury. (b) Macmillan, Churchill, Chamberlain, Bald- win, Lloyd George, Asquith.

5. (a) Phlegethon (b) Cocytus (c) Lethe.

6. Lord Thomas Howard.

7. 'With twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly'. In the year that King Uzziah died (4 points altogether).

8. (a) Brumaire, Frimaire, Nivose, Pluvifise, Ventose. Thermidor. (b) Vendemiaire, Ger- minal. Floreal, Prairial, Messidor, Fructidor.

9. G. S. Sobers, against Glamorgan, off M. Nash.

10. i (a) Handel (b) Bach (c) Schubert, (d) Beethoven (e) Schubert (f) Mozart. ii (g) Bach's Goldberg Variations (h) Handel's Messiah (i) Schubert's Trout Quintet (j) Haydn's Seven Last Words (k) Mozart's Requiem (1) Beethoven's Kreutzer Sonata.

VII 1. (a) Brutus, Cassius. Casca, Decius Brutus, Metellus Cimber, Cinna, Trebonius. (b) 'Harry the King, Bedford and Exeter. War- wick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloster'.

2. St Lucia.

3. Leopold Bloom.

4. They are the Six Characters in Search of an Author, as given in Pirandello's dramatis personae.

5. Doc. Happy, Sneezy, Sleepy, Dopey, Grumpy, Bashful.

6. (a) The Seven Pillars of Wisdom (b) Seven Types of Ambiguity (c) The Seven Lamps of Architecture.

7. 'Expects', at Trafalgar.

8. (a) the Pyramids (b) the Pharos (c) the temple of Diana at Ephesus (d) The Mauso- leum at Halicarnassus (e) the Colossus of Rhodes (f) Pyramids, Pharos, Ephesus, Hali- carnassus, statue of Zeus at Olympia (g) Pyramids, Pharos and Mausoleum, although the last two were badly damaged. The statue of Zeus was burned in a fire at Constantin- ople in 476.

9. (a) the Seven against Thebes (b) the Seven Non-Juring Bishops (c) (all Saints) the Seven Champions of Christendom (d) the Magnifi- cent Seven (e) Louis Armstrong's Hot Seven (f) the Seven Cities which warred for Homer being dead, and through which he had living begged his bread (g) the Pleiades.

10. Aeneas.


1. Eight mats, a Spanish dollar.

2. 1930 (when Pluto was discovered).

3. Kipling, Yeats, Shaw, Galsworthy, Eliot Russell, Churchill, Beckett.

4. Merton.

5. (a) 0. Wilde (b) 'a running noose'.

6. 13i gallons of strong beer.

7. (a) they are all products of the Jurassic strata (b) the earth is a clay, the coal is a shale, the marble, slate and rag are all lime- stones, and Fletton Brick comes from the Oxford Clay (c) Jet, earth, slate, stone, brick, rag, coal, marble.

8. Noon, four and eight.

9. Edward VIII, George V.

10. Canada, Australia, South Arabia, Central Africa, Malaysia, Nigeria, West Indies and the us. (Malay States counts an extra point making nine altogether).


1. Northamptonshire.

2. (a) a shrike (b) a lamprey.

3. Joshua, David, Judas Maccabaeus, Hector, Alexander, Julius Caesar, Arthur, Charle- magne, Godfrey of Bouillon.

4. Cornet, clarinet, trombone, fiddle, cello, bass drum, bassoon, flute, euphonium.

5. (1) The Curse of Scotland, probably be- cause of the nine lozenges or on the arms of the John Dalrymple implicated in the Mass- acre of Glencoe and the Act of Union. (2) the Pope-from the game 'Pope Joan'.

6. Carlisle, Edinburgh, Exeter, Swansea, Snowdon, Inverness, Belfast, Scilly, Dublin.

7. Haddock's eyes/waistcoat buttons.

8. (a) Winston Churchill (b) D. of Wellington

(c) Mary Queen of Scots (d) Siegfried (e) the Queen Mother (f) Don Quixote (g) the Aga Khan (h) Richard III (i) edward VII.

9. (a) the Three Graces-Aglaia, Euphro- syne, Thalia (b) the Three Furies-Alecto. Megaera, Tisiphone (o) the Three Fates- Atropos, Clotho, Lachesis.

10. Eton, Winchester, Westminster, Shrews- bury. Charterhouse, Rugby, St Paul's, Mer- chant Taylors, Harrow.


1. Iron. Gold Silver, Lead, Zinc, Copper. Tin, Sulphur, Mercury, Carbon.

2. (a) Hedley Verity (b) J. C. Laker (c) A. P. Freeman (d) I. Brashaw (in England I. Thompson).

3. 'General' Booth.

4. They all look the same in a mirror. Miss- ing letter-X.

5. Sir Galahad.

6. Only the Black Poplar. Pheasant, fallow deer were introduced by the Romans. rabbit and swan in late 12th century, hops and sycamore in 15th c., chestnut in 16th c., little owl and grey squirrel in late 19th c. 7. (a) Walpole (b) Campbell-Bannerman (c) Goderich (d) Gladstone (e), Rosebery (0 Palmerston, Canning, Perceval, Pitt, Rock• ingham, Wilmington (g) Home, Russell. Disraeli (h) the Duke of Portland. 8. (a) Russia. China, America, Canada. Brazil. Australia. India. Argentina. Sudan. Algeria. (b) China, India, Russia. America. Indonesia. Pakistan, Japan, Brazil, W. Ger' many. Britain.

9. Nine.

10. They were all born or died in 1910.