27 AUGUST 1927, Page 28

Last week I made some comments upon a booklet on

Russia, representing the observations at 'close quarters of the situation in Moscow by an American citizen, Mr. Ivy Lee. Those who know Mr. Lee will be convinced both of his desire to give a perfectly impartial account of the position and also of his wish to defeat the Bolshevik movement. The problem, however, with which the world is confronted is the best means of accomplishing this task, and Mr. Lee is evidently of the opinion that the method should be along the lines of cultivating relations with the Soviet Government—as distinct from the Bolsheviks—so that contact with Western civilization should, in, process of time, defeat Bolshevism. Unfortunately, however, as we know in this country, even the Soviet Govern- ment itself abused our hospitality by carrying on Bolshevik propaganda at the same time that trading operations were also being conducted. * * *