AMONG the instruments to be used at the present Haslemere
Festival (August 22nd to September 3rd) are the following :—The lute, the complete viol family including the lyra, the complete violin family, the viola d'amore, the complete recorder family, harpsichord, clavichord, virginals, pipe and tabour. The programme on August 29th will be devoted entirely to dances and popular music.
This concert has been made possible by the research work carried out by Mrs. Dolmetsch, who has always exercised a reticent but achieving influence at these festivals. The dances to be presented include the Pavan, the Gaillard (" a lighter and more stirring kinde of daunting than the Pavan"), the Coranto, the Canaries (danced " as though one were killing a spider "), the Brawl (a dance found both in France and Scotland), and the Morisco, against which Arbeau iss_ed the warning that a too frequent indulgence would engender