Sin,—Your readers will have noted the pained surprise with which Nazi prisoners and many of the inhabitants of their conquered cities learn how their nation has incurred the hatred and reprobation of all the European nations. In some cases, doubtless, this is an assumed attitude, in others it may be genuine, and can, I suggest, be accounted for by the false propaganda throughout the war of that arch-liar Goebbels, who has so basely prostituted his intelligence and exercised his evil genius over the minds of his fellow-countrymen. As far as 'I have been able to gather, no specific plan has yet been elaborated whereunder the German nation can be brought to understand just why it is now univer- sally hated, and I would venture to put forward the suggestion that a concise and fully-documented account of the bestialities and moral enor- mities committed by its authorities, and of the persistent campaign of complete misrepresentation of facts during the past five years, be pro- mulgated by :wireless and by lectures in all the chief cities bf Germany. Since the fact of listening-in to our B.B.C. news was punishable by death when detected, it would seem logical that the nation should now be given the opportunity of realising where its sheep-like mentality has landed it, and cure its members of any further desire to indulge in militaristic dreams.—Yours faithfully, R. G. MICKIAM. Tangier, Morocco.