The young Prince Alexander of Bulgaria, whether he had been
warned beforehand or not, at once seized his opportunity. He mobilised the Bulgarian Army, started for Philippopolis and proclaimed himself " Prince of Northern and Southern Bulgaria," all classes, the Militia included, taking the oath of allegiance. He then issued a proclamation, previously pre- pared, announcing his new title, promising protection to all classes, and calling upon the whole population to maintain " the holy union." There was no resistance anywhere ; no blood was shed; and the Prince, while preparing to maintain the frontier against any Turkish invasion, restored the Turkish arms, and informed the Sultan that he was willing to acknow- ledge the "suzerainty" of Constantinople. Up to the latest date, no disorder had occurred ; the Mufti had urged all Mussul- mans to remain tranquil, and volunteers in thousands were joining the Militia. No revolution was ever carried out more peacefully, or was more clearly the result of a unanimous, though informal, plebiscite. The Prince has disarmed the Mussulmans ; but that is rather to prevent local conflicts than a rising against himself.