26 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 4


The result of the Manchester registration, up to Tuesday night last, shows a Conservative gain upon claims, 7 ; ditto on objections, 58 ; snaking a total of 65.

The annual revision of the list of voters for the borough Malmsbury took place on Friday and Saturday last. There was less bitterness evinced between the contending parties than on former occasions, and the busieess went off more smoothly. There were upwards of forty ob- jections taken ou both sides, hut they were principally to the new names put on the list by the t /verseers: in fact, except the names of persons dead or removed, there were only three struck oil on both sides that were in the last year's list, two of whom were Liberals and one Tory. The liberals have suecesded in pl.leing on the list sixteen new votes, and the Tories nine only. Dorits the past year, the Liberals lost by deaths and removals nine, and the Teri@s three: the gains there- fore of the Liberals in new votes exactly eminterhalauce the loss which they snstaineil, and leaves the register (notwithstanding the crowing of the Tories) precisely as it stood at the revision of 1839.— Hal/shire Independent.

Lord Albert Conymeham, in taking leave of the representation of Canterbury, solely on the ground of his ermtinning ill-health, hits caused it to be distinctly intiinatel to the I.iberal odeetors, that it is his inten- tion, should his health be restored, to solicit their suffrages again.—

It is said that, in accordance with the recommendation of --Mr. G. White at the late Chartist dinner, h to start two working-men in oppo- sition to Baines and Bev:lieu" at the next election, the Leeds Chemists have fixed upon Mr. G. Wide:: and Mr. John Julian Harney, late M. C. and Northern Chartist missienary. It is also said that Dr. Mel/mall intends to stand for Manchester. We can scarcely believe the Chemists to be in earnest in the matter.—Leruls Ti,ncs%