26 OCTOBER 1901, Page 1

Russia is apparently pursuing in China the precise course which

we predicted last week. According to the Shanghai correspondent of. the Standard, a new Convention has been arranged under Which theC hinese regain the whole of Manchuria, and especially the provinces of which Kirin and Mnkden are the capitals, while Russia obtains the right to protect her railway with Cossacks, and to nominate the Chinese generals commanding at the two capitals. These terms are so favour- able to China that the correspondent suggests a secret treaty to suppleinent the avowed one ; but there is no reason for sus- pecting any such Machiavellian arrangement. RUstiia wants her railway to be finished, to be safe, and to pay, and does not want-at present the enormous expense of garrisoning Man- chnria. where it is easy to perceive, byreading a little between the ,lines, that the increasing' population is, hostile. to 'her Officials: '.AlinexatiOn" may -come by and'by if a-BM:mien population enters Manchuria, but at present Russia does not desire fresh Asiatic provinces. She can get to the water without them, and she is dominated by the fear of crippling her Treasury, which Siberia already draws upon too heavily.