• gauz es the Prefectures, or, more properly speaking the Prefects,
for e circumscriptions remain as they were. The Kingdom of Italy has at present fifty-nine provinces. The functionaries who were at the head of them were called—in Piedmont and in Naples, Governors - in Emilia Intendants-General; and in Tuscany, Prefects. Hence: forward they will be all Prefects. At the head of the arrondissements there will be sub-Prefects, and, with the Prefects, Councillors of Pre. fectwes—all prepisely as in France. The Prefects will have a fur- nished residence provided for them, and will receive a fixed salary of 8000f., 9000f., or 10,000f. a year, according to their class, and will be moreover allowed for the expenses of representation. The maximum of this allowance is-120,001X. for Naples; and the minimum, 70001. at Massa. Florence and Palermo have 60,0001. each ; Milan, 50,0001. • Genoa, 40000f. ; and Bologna, 30,0001. The sub-Prefects will have 4000f. and 5000f., and the Councillors of Prefecture, 3000f., 4000f., and 5000f, according to their class. The Vice-Governors are sup: pressed; • but as they had never been brought into the serious ex- ercise of their functions, the suppression is more nominal than real."