Tuesday, Oct. 22.
Levi Brothers, Exeter, hardwaremeu - Herford and Brother, Manchester, wine-mer- chants-J. B. and T. B. Mph, St. Ives. Houtingdonshire. ironmongers-Holmes and Co. Regent Street. shawl.tnerchauts, as far as regards E. Le Bussed- Lang and Spear. St. Dominic. Cornwall, timber-merchants-Graham and Smith. Ludgate Street. shawl- Merchauts--Osborn and Son, St. James's Street, goldsmiths-Newton and Atkinson, Crown Street. Finsbury, cigar manufacturers- Ramwell and Comrniu, Lostock Gralam, near Northwich. man ufact uring-chemiets-Turner and Hutchings. St. Albates, brewers- Leach and Co. Wood Street, flannel- manufacturers-Kieniau and Crossley. Manches- ter, engravers-Girvin and Carroll. Liverpool, oommission-merchants--Buchauan and Co. Liverpool. joiners-Mather and Co. Liverpool, lead-smelters; as far as regards W. Mather-Leeis and Bedford. Brighton, silk-mercers-Wright and Co. Halstead, drapers-T. and G. Perry, Stroud, Gloucestershire, coach-builders-Cooper and Wil- son, Cateaton Street, silk-mauufacturers-J. and C. Jackson, Wakefield, bootmakers.
ASHMAN, JAMES. Bath, innkeeper, to surrender Nov. 11, Dec. 5: solicitor, Mr. Shat- tack. Bristol ; official assignee. Mr. Kynaston, Bristol. BROOMS, WILLIAM. and HARDY, WILLIAM, Oxford Street. drapers. Nov. 6, Dec. 3 : solicitors. Reed and Shaw. Friday Street; official assignee, Groom, Abehurch Lane. Baooms, WILL/AM, Oxford Street. linendraper. Nov. 6. Dec.3 : solicitors, Messrs Sole. Aldermenbury; official assignee. Mr. Groom, Alichurch Lane. COPLEY, MART, Spalding. tailor. Nov. 2. 29: solicitors, Mr. Maples, Spalding; Messrs. Simcox. Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Valpy. Birmingham. FLAHERTY. THOMAS, Bath, tailor. Nov. 4, Dec. 3: solicitors, Messrs. Whittington and Co. Bristol ; official assignee, Mr. Miller, Bristol. T/LL, CHARLES, Salisbury, linendraper, Oct. 30, Dec. 5 : solicitor, Mr. Jones, Size Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Turquaud. Old Jewry Chambers. WESTRUP. WALTER, arid COOKSEDGE, TIMMAS MARTIN, ShadWell, millers, Nov. 6, Dec. II : solicitors. Messrs. Shearman and Slater, Great Tower Street; official assignee, Mr. Bell. Coleman Street Battings.
WiLLevr, Jossee, Coggeehall, leathevcutter, Oct. 30, Dec.5 : solicitor, Mr. Lott, Bow Lane ; official assignee. Mr. Turquand, Old Jeri ry Chambers.
Nov. 12, Sturtevant, Church Street, Bethnal Green. soap-manufacturer-Nov. 13, Horseley Coal and Iron Company, Tipton-Nov. 23, Banister. Portsea, draper-Nov. 13, Banister, Derby, linendraper -Nov. 19, Parson, Southampton. grocer -Nov. 13, Shaw, Newport, Isle of Wight, jeweller-Nov. 13. Young, Godalming. nurseryman - Nov. 12. Crook, George Yard. Long Acre, livery-stable.keeper-Nov. 12. Duckham, Little Love Lane, Wood Street, hosier-Nov. 12, Castor'. Basingstoke, ironmonger - Nov. M. France, Wigau, grocer -Nov. 20. Lodge, Thornhill, Yorkshire. innkeeper- Nov. 15, Fernandes. Wakefield, corn-miller-Nor. 20. Pullen. Selby, flax merchant- Nov. 20 Smith. Rochdale. corn-miller-Nov. 20, Smith, Sheffield, innkeeper-Nov. 20, Willock. Huddersfield, merchant-Nov. 20. Gregory, Sheffield, table-knife-manufac- turer-Nov. 20. Tempest. Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted-spinner-Nov. 20, Birks. Shef- field. grocer-Nov. 16. Goddard mill Hill. Birmingham, merchants-Nov.12, Sedgley. Dudley. grocer -Nov. 12, Sargent, Nottingham, grocer-Nov. 14, Tod, Manchester,
dealer in coeon goods. CERTITICATES. To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
Nov. 12, Pettigrew junior. Woolwich. tailor-Nov. 12. Roberts, Blackman Street, linendmper-Nov. 12, Dockery, Dartford, market-gardener - Nov. 14, Schofield, Oldham, machiue-maker.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or belies Nov. 12. Watson, Liverpool, ship-broker-Tuckett, Poultry, merchant-Wallace, Pentwyn Iron Works, Monmouthshire, grocer-Bailey, Biugley, stuff-merchant.
Whitley, Liverpool. money-scrivener ; second div. of Id. and 9-32ds of a penny. Oct. 30. or any subsequeut Wednesday ; Mr. Morgan, Liverpool-Jordan and Magratb. Liverpool, merchants ; second die. of lid, with first die. of 4s. 6d. on new proofs; and second div. of 17s. 6d. with first div. of 2s. 621. on new proofs, on the separate estate of It. L. Magrath. Oct. 30, or any subeequent Wednesday; Mr. Morgan. Liverpool- Beans, Denbigh, scrivener ; first div. of 33. Id. Oct. 30, or any subsequeut Wedues. day ; Mr. Morgan. Liverpool-Davies, Abercarue, Monmouthshire, grocer ; first div. of Is. 6d. Oct. 23, or any subset/limit Wednesday; Mr. Acmman, Bristol-Linen, Hales' Owen, Shropshire, grocer ; (Mal div. of Is. 9d. Oct. n. or shy subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Whitmore. Birmingham-Dixon, Wellington, Shropshire, mercer ; final div. of is. 11d. Oct. 22. or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham-Scott, Newcastle-under.Lyine. curr ier ; final div. of Is. 9d. Oct. 22, or any subsequent Tues- day ; Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham.
HAT, J., Mosselborgb, smith, Oct. 30. Nov. 27. LEACH, D., Ardersier, Inverness-shire, merchant, Oct. 29. Nov. 19. Maoris-rose, D.. senior, Grahamston. Falkirk, painter, Oct. 29. Nov. 19. MILLER. A.. and Co., Stirling, manufacturers, Oct. 28, Nov. 18. WEBSTER, W.. Old Meldrum, merchant. Oct. 28, Nov. 18.
Friday, Oct. 25.
Smith and Mott. Hathersage, Derbyshire. wood-cutters-Lester and Watkins. Man- chester, milliners-Crabtree and Scott. Liverpool-E. mid F. Brown, Leeds. stone- masons-J. and G. Whalley, Little Bolton, Lancashire, grocers-Silverwood and Gill, Rirkburton, Yorkshire, fancy-waistcoating-manufacturers-Benton and Co. Sedgley, Staffordshire, iron-masters; as far as regards J. Colbourn-H. and W. Mowbray, Leicester. plumbers-Freuch and Co. Sunderland near the Sea, wharfingers-Spencers and Brown. Newcastle upou-Tyne, drapers; as far as regards W. Spencer-Levy and Newton, Plymouth. cigar.manufecturers-Bolton and Rey. Uxbridge. schoolmistresses -Bowring, Brothers. Fenchurch Street, bosiers-Anthony and Erlam. Cornhill, ship- piug.agents-Bousfields and Strong. Newark-upon-Trent, ironmongers-Aloof and Co. Lemau Street. merchauts-E. and P. Ground, Wisbech, drapers-Hancorn and Kitt, Upper Copenhagen Street, Islington, surgeons.
CARTER. JAMES WATSON, Long Acre, coach-plater. to surrender Nov. 6. Dec. 4: solicitors, Messrs. Beaumont and Thompson. Lincoln's Inn Fields; official assignee, Mr. Johnson. Basinghall Street. FOWLER. ALFRED, Leamington Priors. carpenter, Nov. 2, 29: solicitors. Messrs. Russells, Leamington Priors; official assignee, Mr. Bittleston, Birmingham. GOULD, Joetv, Congresbury. Sornersetehire, cattle-salesman. Now. It. Dec. 6: solid. torn. Messrs. A'Beckett and, Co. Golden Square; aficial assignee, Amman, Bristol. Jomrs. BENJAMIN, Birmingham, victualler. Nov. 7, Dec. 4: solicitors, Messrs. Chil- ton and Co. Chancery Lane; Mr. Suckling, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Bittleston, Birmingham. &imam, JOSEPH, Stockwell, builder, Nov. 5, Dec. 6; solicitor, Mr. Alexander, South Street, Finsbury ; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane.
Wamsea, WILLIAM, Birmingham, hatter. Nov. 6, Dec. 6: solicitors. Mr. Jackson, Gray's Inn; Messrs. Harrison and Smith, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Valpy,
WasTRUP, WALTER. and COMISEDOE, THOMAS MARTIN, Shadwell, millers, Nov. 6, Dec. 11: solicitors, Messrs. Shearmau and Slater, Great Tower Street; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street Buildings.
Nov. 16. Sly, Bouverie Street, engraver-Nov. 16. Lancaster, Barge Yard, Bucklers. bury, merchant-Nov. 16, Blazdell. Upper Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, harp- maker-Nov. 16. Forster. Ahlgate High Street, tailor-Nov. 16, Teesdale, Westmin- ster Bridge Road, furniehing-warehouseman-Nov. 16. Milner, Brook Street, New Road. engine-manufacturer-Nov. 15, Burton. Wood Street, Cheapside, silk-ware- houseman-Nov. 15, Wightmau, Paternoster Row. bookseller-Nov. 15. Dod and Bent. Riches Court. Lime Street. shipbrokers-Nov. 15, Goldsbury. Hastings, draper-Nov. 19, Making, Blandford Street, Manchester Square. grocer-Nov. 20, J. and W. Field. Mincing Lane, wine brokers-Nov 20, Gooding. Chatham. bootmaker-Noy. 15. Hip. tans, Egreraunt, Cheshire. coal-dealer- Nov. 15, Cecil and Co. Liverpool. merchants -Nov. 19. Rimmer, Liverpool, tailor-Nov. 16, Sothern, St- Helen's. Lancashire, ship-builder-Nov. 15, Deuyer sad Nixey. Liverpool, watillendrapers -Nov. 19, Brooks, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, quarryman-Nov. 19. Hudson and Broadbent, Man- chester, calico-printers-Nov. 20, Dakeyne, Manchester, fiax-spinuer.
To be grasted,entess cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of ?many. Nov. 13, Baud, March, Cambridgeshire. leather-seller-Nov. 15. Robertson, Wot- ton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire, draper-Nov. 18, II. and J. Peacock, Stockton-upa n- Tees, Durham, grocers-Nov, 18, Brooks. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, quarryman- Nov. 15, J., W., sod E. Yeardley, Ecclesfield. flaxspinuers. • 7. be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Nor. 15. Weir, Carlisle. irou-merchant -Baker, Lower Grosvenor Street, surgeon -Lake. Cheltenham, printer-Tildesley, Wolverluunpton, timber-dealer-Grantham, Man.
cheater, grocer-Barnard, Cheltenham, clothes-dealer-Howden, Wakefield, iron. founder-Edwards, Aberdovey. Merionethshire, draper.
Strawbridge, Bristol, mason ; first div of 3s. Oct. 30. or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Acraman. Bristol-Hawkins, Bristd, mason ; second div. of 2s. 6d. Oct. 30, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Acraman, Bristol-Bull and Turner, Birmingham, printers; second div. of Is, Oct. 29. or any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Whitmore, Bir- mingham-Dowie, Chepstow, Monmouthshire, wine-merchant; first div. of 621. Oct. 30. or any subsequent Weduesday ; Mr. Acraman, Bristol-Hebblewhite, Liverpool, wine-merchant; second div of 618. Oct. 31. or any subsequent Thursday; Mr. Caze- nove. Liverpool-Hill, Wallasey, Cheshire, brewer; fourth div. of 28. Oct. 31, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Cazenoie, Liverpool-Howarth, Rochdale, flannel-manu- facturer; first div. of 318. Oct. 29, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Stanway, Man- chester-Weir, Carlisle, iron-merchant; first div. of 5s. 68. Oct. 30, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Wakley. Newcastle-upon-Tyne - Hodgson. Bishop Auckland. mercer ; first div. of 9s. Nov. 2, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker. Newcastle-upon- Tyros -Simpson, Embleton. Cumberland, innkeeper ; first div. of 10s. Nov. 2, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon Tyne.
RUNCIPAAN, J., Leith, draper. Oct 30, Nov. 20. STEWART. A., Ediuburgh, horse dealer, Oct. 28. Nov. 21. TOWART. A. aud P.. Glasgow, grocers. Oct. 30. Nov. 20.