26 MAY 1990, Page 27

Alfresco forum

Sir: I am not a regular reader of The Spectator but having heard comments by members of the crowd at Speakers' Corner about the article `Sixty Years on a Soap Box' in your issue of 12 May, I bought a copy of your magazine. .1 was most surprised, as were they, at the triviality of the report. Sandra Barwick seemed obsessed with Lord Soper's tremb- ling hands. As one of the 'poor and meek' Who go to the meeting in Hyde Park every Sunday afternoon, I found the report condescending and silly. It hardly con- veyed the atmosphere of this open-air forum which draws 'regulars' from long distances to stand in rain, snow and sun- shine to take part in a `fellowship of controversy' maintained by Lord Soper over so many years. Many people can testify that they have found their way into the Christian Church and have found a meaning to their lives through the open-air witness of Lord Soper in Hyde Park and on Tower Hill.

K. Humphreys

2 Bevan House, Boswell Street, London WC1