26 MAY 1961, Page 15

SIR ,—I am an Arab Palestinian refugee from Ramleh, in

the occupied part of Palestine. My father was the owner of Ramlch Suda Buses Co. Ltd. until July, 1948. When the Zionist force, the Haganah, entered Ramlch and Suda. they started to commit atrocities and acts of murder. They used some of the buses to evacuate the Arab population; but as soon as the Arab drivers got to the nearest frontiers, they fled with the buses into Arab terri- tories. When the Zionists discovered this, they ordered the Arab citizens of Ramleh and Suda to leave for the nearest Arab border. Many of them died on the way. Some of my relatives were killed because they refused to leave their home inSuda.

I am writing you to express my great appre- ciation for Mr. Childers's article in the Spectator, and to thank him very much for his honest facts.— Yours faithfully, 184 Tottenham Lane, N8
