[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] S1R,—As is often the
case with plain questions, "LaylltaIl.ti " question is not plain. It assumes that congregations where vestments are used are as much convinced of Roman error as I am. Why then do they use vestments symbolical of that error, vestments not used in our Church for 300 years ?
The plainest answer that I can give to " Layman " is this. I am out to defend the Articles and Formularies of our Church from Roman error, not because it is Roman, but because I honestly believe it to be unscriptural. Prayer Book Revision on these lines I can heartily welcome. The question of the exercise of discipline under existing conditions is not to be answered by an off-hand Yes or No, and it is fundamentally distinct from that of doctrine. My conviction is that the Composite Book will seriously complicate the already far too perplexing question of discipline in the Church of England.--I am, Sir, &c.,
E. A. KNOX, Bishop.
18 Beckenham Grove, Shortlands, Kent.