26 MARCH 1831, Page 18


has been said, never wants a large and partial audience. This we know, that to deal largely in panegyric, is a sure way to excite envy, hatred, malice, and all uncharitableness. There must be a vast majority of uncomfortable persons in this city of London at least, where a paper conducted on the principle of universal personal abuse is extensively read, and where the pub- lication of our catalogue of worthies has brought on us a host of assailants. The fury of some of our correspondents is not to be de- scribed : broken men we take then to be—suffirers by their own fault—selfish and sour grumblers—haling themselves and ruined in public esteem—to whom the praise of a fellow-creature is gall and wormwood. One of them we have discovered, and may describe him shortly as resembling in condition and character the unhappy wretch Tyrrell, the hero of Mr. LESTER'S novel, Granby. His letter, by no means a short one, consists of complaints, revilings, threats, and abuse of ninny of the persons whom we have named as fit to act as National Trustees. We give the postscript ver- batim—" Why don't you begin the promised list of Rips ?" Enough of these unhappy persons, whose displeasure we consi- der an honour ; but the question asked by Tyrrell's postscript must be answered. The time is not yet come for exposing un- worthy candidates. No candidates for Parliament are yet an- nounced. Besides, we have reason to expect, that we may be spared the painful, though most useful, task of exposing political adventurers, quacks, and imbeciles, by the labours of the PARLIA- MENTARY CANDIDATES SOCIETY ; 01 which, we learn, the mem- bers and the funds are rapidly increasing. One word in defence of that association. It is said to be " un- English and Italian " in its principle ; and the Boroughmongers are especially loud in their abuse of it, calling it "an Inquisition," and saying that it will interfere with every man's " right to do what he likes with his own" vote. By way of answer to these charges, we refer to a letter from Mr. HuME to the Editor of the Globe, which will be found below.* And let us fur- • "TO THE EDITOR OF THE GLOBE.

" BrylIDSIODO Square, 24th March 1831. "SIR,—In your Paper of yesterday, there is a paragraph in which you state that you are authorized to inform your readers that I had requested my name to be withdraWu from the Committee of the Parliamentary Candidates Society, as it had been placed there without my authority. I have to inform you that no such authority was given by me. " It is correct that I have requested my name to be withdrawn from the Com- mittee ; but it is not correct that I was appointeda member of that Committee with- out my previous knowledge and sanction. filer observe, that there are persons in England, who, though without a vote for members of Parliament, have many voters of 4` their own," with whom, hitherto, in defiance of the laws, they have " done as they pleased." One object of the Society should be to protect such voters as those of Newark and Stamford, and perhaps to punish, by legal prosecutions, those who do that " with their own " which the laws declare to be a high crime. So to pro- tect the weak from oppression, and to bring such criminals to jus- tice, might be very " tin-English and Italian," as Sir ROBERT lirmsox says, but sure we are that it would be highly useful.


There is no celebrated university or enlightened city on the Continent, which, if required to send an English deputy to the British Parliament, would hesitate to pronounce the name of our venerable jurist. Unhap- pily his great age is a bar to his becoming an active member of the Legis- lature. All other bars are removed by the moral revolution that has just occurred in England. In a speech on Law Reform, to which the House of Commons listened all night about two years ago, the speaker, Mr. BROUGHAM, carefully avoided the mention of Mr. BENTHAM'S name ; re- serving for a note in the published report of his speech, certain expres- sions of admiration and reverence, which he kpew to be due to the first law-refurmer of the age, and equally unfit for the corrupt, haughty, ig- norant, and prejudiced audience to whom the speech was addressed. On that occasion, Mr. Brun:el-1AM furnished a striking example of the main, perhaps the sole, defect of his political character—a moral, we had almost said a physical, incapacity for uttering sentiments likely to expose him to even temporary ridicule. The last House of Commons would have laughed sneeringly at any eulogy of the Englishman whose wisdom and virtue are, as the system of Boromeh mongering. is said to be, " the envy and admi- ration of surrounding countries ;" and so, no doubt, would the present House of Commons, even now, if events had not lately occurred to revo- lutionize opinion within the House, as well as out of doors. However, such events have occurred. Sir FRANCIS BURDETT, who of late years has been almost as fearful as Mr. BROUGHAM ever was of displeasing his au- dience, was cheered by the House of Commons, the other day, when he said that the signature of Mr. BEetroam to some approving petition for Reform was a strong argument in favour of the Ministerial plan. Lord BROUGHAM will have marked this sign of the times ! Though that portion of the House of Commons which may be said to think and feel with the nation, can now applaud a panegyric of the illus- trious BENTHAM, still a large minority, if not a majority, of the House, is even now horrified at the idea of seeing a philosopher within the walls of Parliament. A Sir RICHARDVYVYAN—who, for a country baronet, is really a good sort of man, though not, as the Standard calls him, a " statesman," and who moved the amendment againat the English Reform Bill—abuses and derides us for proposing that Mr. MILL should he returned to Parli- ament. In his " crack speech of the Anti-Reformers" he talked sneeringly of "Mr. MILL, an individual who was mentioned by the newspapers as qua- lified to sit in Parliament because he had written m llistory of India ;" and he then read to the Ilouse sonic lines from Mr. MILL'S events of Political Economy (which, if the debate were correctly reported in the Shoeboal, he mistook for a History of India), for the purpose of showing that Mr. MILL is an Oivenite ! And this puzzle-!headed, self-sufficient squire from the Land's End, who seems never to have heard of Mr. MILL till last week, is one of the law-makers of Britain ! " An individual !" " A history of India!" If Mr. MILL had been a successful jockey, a dead shot, a busy justice, a blackleg, a breeder of birds, and a terror of poachers, he might have been better known and greatly honoured by the Cornish barbarians. His being unknown or despised by an individual like this " worthy baronet," is an additional reason why he should be sent to Parliament ; and we venture to promise the tribe of squires, that Mr. MILL's great mental powers and high moral worth will induce some body of retOrnied electors to force him into the Legislature, in spite of his humility and re- tired habits. If there were a chance, which there is not, of their being again returned in great numbers, it would be amusing to think of the display of rage and fear which Mr. MILL's first speech on the Game-Laws, for instance (" the rights of chase" Sir It. VYVYAN calls them), would oc- casion amongst the congregation of provincial baronets.

MR. SENIOR, A barrister, and late Professor of Political Economy at Oxford. Amongst the recommendations of Mr. HENRY DRUMMOND, we forgot to mention that he founded the Professorship lately held by Mr. SENIOR,—thereby furnishing to our aristocratic youth the means of acquiring a species of knowledge without which no man is highly qualified to legislate for this great commercial country. Mr. SENIOR, being, we are told, somewhat of a Tory, is to be the Professor of Political Economy at King's College. Even were he opposed to all Rem esentative Reform (which he is not), be would still be a valuable Trustee of the Nation. Though not the most profound of political economists, and a little too fond, it may be, of dwelling on certain not very important errors of his predecessors and con- temporaries,—and though he have himself fallen into more than one error through an over-anxiety to make discoveries,—he is, nevertheless, master of the science ; and, what is perhaps a higher recommendation, considering how few old men, the sages of the present day, do not labour under a vulgar prejudice against political economists,—he knows how to apply the theories of ADAM SMITH, MALTHUS, RICARDO, MILL, and M'CULLOCH, to the current affairs of the nation ; and to express himself in language so clear and elegant, that he easily convinces or persuades even those who regard MILL and M'CuLLocii as pestilent theorists. " What I" ex- claims Sir RICHARD VYVYAN, " would you have a pestiferous wretch of a political economist in the House of Commons ? Is this your Reform?

"I.attended the preliminary meeting of the promoters of that Society, and con- curred entirely in the advantage the public might derive from their labours. I am a subscriber to the Society, and was named a member of the committee with my entire concurrence, in time hopes that I should be able to attend and assist in their labours ; but which I now find will be incompatible with the public duty I have to perform in Parliament, and I have, on that account, requested to have my name wi "thdrawn. At the last General Election, I was applied to by deputations from many bo- toughs, to recommend Candidates of independent principles, and with habits of business. But it was not in my power to do so without previous inquiries, such as the Society now formed can, and I hope will, make. It is my opinion, therefore, that (with a General Election in prospect) great public benefit may be effected by the judicious labours of that Society. "I hope that the friends of Reform and of good Government in the United King- dom, by co-operation and timely measures, may assist greatly in bringing forward St and proper men as candidates for seats in Parliament. "Whilst I agree that it would be highly improper to impose Candidates on the Electors of England, I believe that it will be of great service to them to know to whom they can apply for fit and proper men ; and I hope the Society will soon be

prepared efficiently to do so. I remain your obedient servant,

" Josera HUME." It is Revolution ; and the end of it will be the confiscation of rent, funds, and the savings of the poor: not to mention that the King will be brought to London with the heads of two of his faithful Life Guards stuck upon poles at either side of his carriage, and that his Majesty's own head will be chopped off by Mr. MILL or some other of the horrid politi- cal economists." We recommend to this Cornish baronet, the perusal of Mr. SENIOR'S Preface to some lately publishedLectures on Wages, whereby he may learn that rent and the funds are truly in danger, but not from the political economists. The great excitement on the subject of Reform, which Ministers are reproached with creating, has put Swing- to sleep for a while; but Suing is not dead, Sir ftICHARD ; and rick-burning will be revived, unless such men as Mr. SENIOR can discover, and unless a more enlightened assembly than the present House of Commons should allow them to apply, some means for improving the condition, bodily and men- tal, of the great mass of the people. To this point Mr. SENIOR'S atten- tion has been earnestly directed; on this point the present Ministers have the wisdom to consult him ; on this point he has incurred a heavy, a fearful responsibility ;—the Government will act wisely and but fairly towards him, by returning him at the next election for one of the Trea- sury boroughs. After sitting a month in Parliament, and after the Re- form Bills shall be law, he would be returned by some large body of elec- tors as a most valuable National Trustee.

Apropos of String ! Ma. BENTLEY, Of Kent, the birth-place of the rick-burner, Would be a very useful member of Parliament. One of the first " agriculturists" in England; a Liberal and a Reformer all his life ; enjoying a high reputation for in- tegrity and benevolence,—this gentleman has a peculiar knowledge of the condition of the rural population, and of the " working" of poor-laws and tithes. The freeholders of Kent know how well he expresses his opinions, and communicates his knowledge, to a popular assembly ; and if the petitions to the legislature, drawn up by him, had been presented to a Reformed House of Commons, lie would rank high as a political writer. Sir EDWARD Ketarmi BULL paired off against the second reading of the English Reform Bill ! Will the men of Kent again disgrace them- selves by sending to Parliament a mere lump of pride and prejudice, adapted to the capacities of children ? After the Reform Bills shall be law, the leaseholders, copyholders, and small freeholders of Kent, would do themselves and their order credit, by entrusting to so honest and able a man as Mr. BENTLEY the care of their interests in the Legislature.

MR. RICHARD SHARP, Formerly a London merchant ; a man of considerable literary attain- ments ; a Reformer with Mr. GREY, forty years ago ; honest, able, highly respected, and well known as a " friend of the poor." We have not room to dwell further on the merits of this gentleman, but are tempted to mention one fact concerning him, which, in the opinion of many, will by itself be an ample recommendation. As a Magistrate of Sussex, he is disli Kea by too many of his brother justices for vigorously opposing the stoppage of footpaths ; and in his own pleasure-grounds he has made paths and placed seats for the enjoyment of his poor neil5hbours, whom he invites to visit him when they arc happy, whom he advises and assists in their difficulties, and who regard him as a father. Being something of a political economist, he too, we suppose, would be after chopping off the King's head, if thedoors of the House of Commons should be opened to him bythese " revolutionary" Reform Bills.


Though personally unknown to the public, contributes largely, we under- stand, to their instruction and delight, as the writer of some of the most elaborate articles in the Tithes newspaper. We have two objects in naming this gentleman—first, in order to throw into fits Sir Roiseav

Sir RrcnAito VYVYAN, and Mr. Pit RCEVA I:, who regard every newspaper writer as a species of thenion ; secondly, for the sake of mentioning the only son of Mr. STERLING, who, having brought from Cambridge a repu- tation for great talents and industry, is supposed to possesss oratorical powers second only, if not equal, to those of Lord BROUGHAM. We can think of nothiug just now that would afford us greater pleasure than to see • this young man pitted against half a dozen crack speakers of the present Opposition, one down and another come on. So strong an eulogy of one as yet obscure, will excite a world of envy—may it tempt some patriotic borough-owner to try our judgment, by returning- Mr. JOAN STERLING to the last unreformed House of Commons !


In ,the worst of times jointly expelled from Cambridge for their liberal opinions. Dr. FELLOWES, now a rich man, is still given to liberality, holding his purse always open for the promotion of great public objects. Mr. FREND also is still a Liberal ; and his industry, his powers of re- search, and his knowledge of the laws of mortality, acquired as Actuary of the Rock Insurance Office, would render him a most valuable member of Parliament, whenever legislation shall he founded on facts and directed to the happiness of the many, instead of being, as now but too often, the offspring of ignorant prejudice, and having for object the benefit only of the law-makers themselves.


The:well-known Master in Chancery, and writer against Slavery. This able, eloquent, and most upright gentleman requires no eulogy from us; he already, in public opinion, though not now in Parliament, repre- sents a large bOdy of the people—that estimable class, who, under the nickname of Saints, are diligent in every work of benevolence, and proportionably hated by the selfish usurpers of the right to make laws for the nation. " What !" exclaims the slave-owning legislator—who, by the way, purchases his seat with part of the bounty on West India sugar, which he and his fellows impose as a tax on the people of England, and put into their own pockets—" What I Master STEPHEN again in Par- liament! Revolution ! Confiscation t Treason ! Murder ! The pre- cious savings of time poor are gone, and the King's head is rolling in the dust !" Lord BROUGHAM answers, " Fudge I" " Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, which should betray him, Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor But this he said, not that he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein."

One of the most urgent complaints against the Ministerial measure of Reform is, that it will deprive the Colonies of their share of representa- tion in the Imperial Legislature ; and this objection to the Bills is not without foundation. Let not the opponents of Reform imagine that they only can find defects in the Bills! However, a Parliament returned by

those Bills will speedily remedy all real defects in the system of represen- tation, and the Colonies will not be forgotten. Meanwhile, it is greatly to be desired that


The Colonial Counsel, should be returned to Parliament. Not even a Re- formed House of Commons could legislate wisely for the Colonies without '


The Unitarian preacher,one of the most tolerant and eloquent of religious men. No law prevents a Dissenting minister from sitting in Parliament. Whyslaould ministers of the Church of England be excluded? Are they sup- posed to be the stupidest and worst of the community On the contrary, many of them are distinguished, as they all ought to be, for intellectual and moral qualities of the highest order. But, says Sir ROBERT INGLIS, it would be shameful to take them away from their flocks,and occupy their minds with base worldly affairs. Good Sir ROBERT, please to tell us—are tithes a worldly affair ? Are not the Clergy, as a class, better than any other body of men acquainted with the condition of the poor ? Would the souls of the poor suffer, if some of the most enlightened of the clergy were allowed to assist in legislating for the prevention of hunger and ignorance? Is it sinful in the Bishops, the heads of the church, to whom belong the spiritual care of immense flocks, and the management of ministers also— is it sinful in the Bishops to sit in Parliament? Besides, how can you, whose connexion with Oxford must have taught you the meaning of " pluralities," object to the occasional absence of a clergyman from his flocks ? We shall return to this subject ere long ; convinced, and hoping to persuade our readers, that the religion, the morality, and the happi- ness of the great body of the people, would be promoted by admitting clergymen to help in making the laws. Whether or not it would lead to confiscation of the savings of the poor, and to the King's head being chopped off, is a question which we leave to the Judas Iscariots of the present. nay, it may be called the late Parliament.

MR. HERSCHEL, Of St. John's College, Cambridge. If Science is to be represented in the Reformed Parliament, it could have no fitter organ than this gentleman. Possibly he may not hitherto have made Legislation a study ; but a man of his extraordinary clearness of intellect and quickness of apprehension would soon become master of any department of knowledge. . Mr. HERSCHEL is distinguished, not only by the great extent of his scientific information, but by comprehending better, perhaps, than any other living philosopher, the conduct of the human understanding. Such qualifications would, of course, render him an invaluable member of any deliberative assembly, and more especially of one in which the interests of true science and its important applications must frequently be asubject of discussion. Besides, instead of the very loose and perplexed method of investigating complicated questions hitherto followed by Parliament, Mr. HERSCHEL might teach the House of Commons the shortest and most satisfactory way to just conclusions. Most assuredly, if the philosophical judgment, the accurate logic, the wide range of knowledge, and the clear and elegant style of Mr. Haasco EL'S book on the Study of Natural Philo- sophy, were applied to political philosophy, our literature would boast a work of incalculable value ; and our Legislature, if the author of such a book should take part in its deliberations, would not, unwittingly at leist, fall into miserable errors, like those which have brought it into contempt with reflecting men, and rendered Reform a pressing necessity. the aattiftance of this gentleman ; whose knowledge of the Colonies, their wants, resources, and grievances, exceeds, perhaps, that of any other Englishman. He must be returned by-and-by; but why should he not at once start with Mr. Paortreaot for Bristol, against that very poor old creature, Mr. HART DAVIS, who essayed to speak, and did vote, against the Reform Bills?

MR. NORTHMORE, A gentleman of good property and ancient family in the West of Eng- land, where his name and Reform are synonymous terms ; a man of gene- rous temper and enlightened mind ; bold and persevering in the pursuit of what he believes to be the good of his country; and formerly hated by the rank Tory gentry and clergy of Exeter,—a city, however, which must be greatly reformed of late years, since both its present members voted with the Revolutionary Ministers on Wednesday morning.


Is said to deserve all the praise that we bestowed on his brother, Mr. JOHN Romiu.r, last week. Our catalogue of worthies increases so ra- pidly, that we find it impossible to dwell at any length on the merits of these "young men of talent," for excluding whom from Parliament, by disfranchising the nominative boroughs, Sir ROBERT PEEL has sworn eternal animosity to Lord GREY. Sergeant BEST versus HENRY BROUGHAM —or the cur against the mastiff ! ' By the by, we propose to devote a " topic" of next week to the following inquiry—whether or not the candid Baronet have, to use the words of Sir JOSEPH YORKE, " Cut his own Par- liamentary throat ?"

MR. HA LDIM AND, Late member for Ipswich ; a gentleman of immense wealth, and a strenu- ous advocate of Reform ; a good political economist ; connected and in- timately acquainted with France and Italy ; and one who, if the young Tories should succeed in getting up " a fight" against Reform, would help to furnish his Majesty with " the sinews of war."


Of Berkshire, a well-known Reformer in Tory times and a Tory county. This gentleman ought to be at once started as a candidate for Berkshire, if both Mr. WALTER and Mr. More= should hold back any longer. Both the present member& for the county voted for the second reading of the English Reform Bill ; but Mr. PALMER has declared that he intends to object to the details of the Bill. In other words, he hopes to oppose the Bill without offending his constituents. Such supporters are the worst ene- mies of the national cause. We had rather go to Oxford to vote for Sir ROBERT INGLIS, than vote against our country at Abingdon, by adding one to the small minority that awaits Mr. PALMER. Who will be his succes- sor—Mr. MONCE, Mr. WALTER, Or Mr. HALLETT? It is difficult to say which of them would make the best National Trustee.

MR. WILLIAM WCULLOCH, A gentleman of very superior attainments, and lately a respected servant of the East India Company, to whom they confided the principal branch of their correspondence with India. Mr. M'CuaLocii's extensive and accurate knowledge of the affairs of India, would render him an inva- luable substitute for that Mr. W. BURRELL, a Sussex squire, whom Sir ROBERT PEEL placed on the Committee of Inquiry concerning the East India Company's Charter, on the ground, declared, in so many words by the candid Baronet, that the said Mr. BURRELL " represented the wool interest:" (To be continued.)