26 JULY 1963, Page 9

Outing Over

Later the drink still flows. They have a fan- tastic capacity. The decks have been cleared, so that only the smell of staling beer fingers. but they still have newspapers co strew, cigarette packets to scatter. Glasses are found in the most unlikely places. People merge now, the Southend- Gravesend distinction has disappeared : they settle for the posed photographs in larger groups than before. The music still plays, there is spas- modic singing, old favourites and newer pops already assimilated into the tradition, some dancing, more solo than in couples. Amid the littered decks, the English are sedate and som- nolent and curiously dignified. As it grows dark, it seems like the end of a long, long journey. At Southend there are the fondest partings, those disembarking tell each other they are glad to be back. The Gravesenders go back for another drink and they are holding it well now. The Thames runs softly and the music is quieter, there is a feeling of life lived, enjoyment and the works outing completed.