26 JULY 1957, Page 26


'I wonder why people are so keen to have bred dogs,' remarks a correspondent. 'The crosc4; ones have so much more brains. We have, a icr corgi-spaniel and he is quite the cleverest dog have ever had. He began by shutting doors. push-doors and if he doesn't quite shut it the " time he goes back to bang it. He has a won scent for mice and he digs them up. Once he hi.° two young moles on to the lawn and then a fo sized hedgehog. The other day I opened the door to find a grey squirrel seeming to want into the house. Later on it appeared on the win, ledge of a closed window half-way up the stail'5,4 Tobit (the dog) was on the inside, nose to nose!' it. It was not frightened. After a time the Art ran up the wall of the house to a corner °A gutter where it was evidently building a nest. our gardener came he got the ladder and went clear the mess away and Tobit chased the scin into the garage, caught it and lost it again. to climb up the kitchen wall but fell back and he' it in triumph. I have never forgiven the greY for killing all our lovely red squirrels.'