SIR,- -In view of what was said in the debate
in the House as rePo.ted in Hansard, the following facts may be of interest. They stem to this committee to show a most careless lack of feeling and an of imagination. A lad of i, in the care of this committee, was working as an sgricultural labourer in this neighbourhood. HI's parents, also in this distfct, were in domestic service. The boy was interned in May and sent. vid Huyton., to Promenade Camp, I.O.M. When his mother appld ca July lath for permission to see him she'received a telegram uoir the camp commandant saying that he had been " transferred " C made on Jilly 14th. Not only was she given no opportunity to seeam before he went, but as she had only just heard that he had lone to Douglas he was still without his clothes and other possessions, and has been sent away penniless and with nothing but what he stnds up in. Meanwhile the father is also interned at Bury. The moth er is ill and in a state of mind which needs no description. My committee is in a state of acute anxiety lest a similar fate has befallen various of their wards: students, agricultural labourers and others, from whom they have still received no news though they have already been interned for several weeks.—Yours faithfully,
F. E. POLLARD, Chairman.
The Reading and District Refugee Committee, 38 Oxford Street Chambers.