Since the commencement of the Tribune, Paris paper, it has
sus- tained ninety-five prosecutions, involving damages to the amount of 125,800 francs, and twenty-seven years' imprisonment, apportioned be- tween six editors. [And the result is, that the French Government has become more deservedly hateful than ever, and consequently in point of fact more weak. The detestabile and the caducum, are always coupled together.] The Pope has issued a circular, chiefly to the French Bishops, en- joining them, as a duty, to bring back to the bosom of the Church the erring learned member of the Catholic religion, -Abbe de la Mennais ; whose name, nevertheless, is not inserted in the circular. Nothing should be left untried to reclaim him from "his schismatic and damnable views," and induce him to publicly recant his errors. What has been done will then be forgiven and forgotten. Great interest is excited to know how De in Mennais will receive this mild proceeding.
Charles the Tenth has bought the domain of Nachod, in Bohemia, for 2,500,000 florins. This estate was said to comprise more than 40,000 inhabitants, and to confer almost absolute sovereignty on its pro- prietor. Mayerbeer the composer is at Baden, engaged on the completion of a new opera, which is to be produced in Paris during the forthcoming season.
Since the beginning of this month, a measure has been introduced in Munich, which was never before thought viz, that all the French Journals which arrive here, except the dieter, must, before they are
delivered by the Post-olfice, be sent to the Royal Board of Police for its inspection. [There must be some reason for this increased jealousy of every thing inimical to despotism. One thing is certain, that the Royal blockheads on the Continent are doing all in their power to make the popular convulsion, when it does arrive, dreadfully violent.]
A large Anaconda serpent, front the East Indies, lately laid, at the menagerie at Altembourg, in Saxony, :36 eggs. Great care was taken to hatch them, but only one has yet produced a serpent. The reptile, when first hatched, was only the size of the little finger.
The cholera is raging at Gibraltar, where the new cases vary from 50 to 70 daily, and the deaths from 13 to 20.
Malta is also afflicted with chop ra : the k t accounts received from that island mention, that all the inhabitant: :Ito can get away, are re- moving from it as fast as they can.