26 JULY 1834, Page 11


The turn-out calico-printers, after a determined struggle of about nine months' continuance, have been forced to yield to the superior power of their employers, and offer to work on their own terms. Each of the masters, we believe, has received a letter to that effect ; but they decline to acknowledge the communication, as coining from the Union; at the same time, however, they are willing to meet with the men hull- vidually. It is said that since the strike, the operative printers have paid to the hands standing out upwards of 13,0001.—Glasgow Courier.

At the Justicary Court, Edinburgh, last week, Ann Collins, an Irishwoman, was sentenced to transportation for fourteen years, for having taken the clothes from a child three years old, and left her nearly naked, exposed to the night air in April. On the Judge ad- dressing her in the usual manner when about to pass sentence, she said —" My Lord, I never misbehaved myself: if that man (pointing to her counsel) had called my witnesses, they would have proved that I was in a ovum's house in the Cowgatc all that day, and at the time the deed was done ; but I will petition the King and Mr. O'Connell." The sentence of the Court was then read, and the panel %vas removed, nutterine, and threatening with the vengeance of the King and O'Con- nell both the Bench and Bar.

Last week, a man named Reid, committed to Aberdeen gaol for the murder of his wife, hanged himself from the ventilator, by his hand- kerchief.