26 JANUARY 1889, Page 24


Archer (T. A.), Crusade of Riohard I., cr Elio (Nutt) 3/0 Ar's'ocraoy : a Novel, or 8ro (Appleton) 3/0

Atkinson (F.), Hull and its Distri.t, roy 8vo (Brown) 12/6

Bailey (J.), How to Teach the Babies, cr 8vo (Hughes) 2/6 B all (3. A. R.), Mediterranean Wider Resorts, 12mo U. Gill) 3/6 /Leant (W.), For Faith and Freedom, 3 vols. cr 8vo (Ohatto & Winch's) 31,6

Blokerdyke (J.), Angling in Salt Water, or 8ro (U. Gill) 2/0

Brassey (Lady). Last Voyage, 8vo (Longman) 21/0 Batl r (W. F.), Charles George Gordon, or Svo (Macmillan) 2/6 Charlie (N.), Baby's Book, 4to (Griffith & Farm) 2/6 Oiare ( I.), Our Passover, cr 8ro (Griffith A Farran) 3/6

Caignet (0.), Francis I., Svo (Bentley) 14/0

Carts (E. J.), Game of Chance, 3 vols. or 8vo (Hurst & Blaokett) 3116 D tiziel (EL), Fox Terrier, Svo (U. Gill) 2/0 Davidson (J. W.), Florida of To-Day, l2mo (Appleton) 5/0 Delia Bacon: a Biographical Sketch, cr 8vo (S. Low) 10/6

Da Maupaesant (G.). Afloat, or 8ro (Routledge) 5/0 D old (A. B.). Glorinda : a Story, l2mo (Ward & Downey) 5/0 Farrar (F. W.), Sermons, or Svo Glonneneehein) 2/6 Forester (H.). Memoirs of Sophia, Electron; of Hanover, cr 6vo ...(Bentley) 9/0 G tsquet (F. A.), Henry VIII. & the English Monasteries, Vol. II. (J. Hodges) 12/0

Haut! (W.), Daa Bild des Kaisers, 12mo (Climb. Univ. Press! 2/0 Hoffman (H.), Come unto Me. 4to (Griffith & Ferran) 7/6 Jones (H.), Holiday Papers. Vol. II., or 8vo (Smith A Elder) 6/0 Lewis (H. 8.), Targum on Isaiah, Svo (Trebner) 5/0 Martin (A. P.), Australia and the Empire, or 8ro (Douglas) 7/6 Non of Kenmare : an Autobiography, or 8vo (Hodder & Stoughton) 7/6 O'Reilly (J. B.1, Moondyne, or Me (Rontledge) 2/0 Paton (J. G.), Missionary to the New Hebrides, cr 8ro (Hodder & Stoughton) 6/0 Pattison (S. R.), Gospel Ethnology, or 8vo (R.T.S.) 2/6 Reid (M.), Gwen Wynn, or 8vo (Sonnenschein) 3.6 Sexton (A. EL), Elementary Inorganic Chemistry, l2mo (Mackie) 2/6

Spelman (Henry), The History and Fate of Sacrilege (J. Hodges) 12/0

Stock (Sk G.), Deduce ire Logic, l2mo (Longman) 3:6 Stranahan (0. H.). History of French Painting, roy. 8vo (S. Low) 21/0

Thayer (W. M.), Marvels of the New West, roy 8vo (Trabner) 18/0

Thomas (B I. Through Death to Life, cr 8vo J. Clarke) 6/0 Times and Days : Essays in Romance and History, 12mo (Lengmans) 5/0 Tolstoi (L. N ), The Invaders, or 8vo (W. Scott) 2/6 Westall (W.). John Brown and Larry Lohengrin, cr 8vo..-(Ward A Downer 5/0 Wood (D.). Handbook of Greek Method of Design, or 8vo (Roper & Drowley) 2/6