Mr. Cartwright, M.P. for Oxfordshire, deserves thanks for his pertinent
question on Monday night as to the policy of Great Britain towards Greece, and Mr. Forster for supporting the in terpel- lation. It is quite clear from the despatch of M. Tricoupi, which has been published, that Lord Derby has been delivering to Greece the menaces of Turkey in a way to associate in some degree the British Government with those threats, and so far as this is so, it is obvious that we have rendered ourselves responsible to Greece for the consequences of keeping the Greeks down, as well as that in the same degree we are negatively responsible for countenancing those outrages of Turkey in Thessaly and Epirus
which led to the excitement in Greece. Had Greece joined the Slays, she must have suffered much, but she must also have shared the great fruits of conquest ; and of these obviously we have done all in our power—and apparently with success —to deprive her. No part of the conduct of Great Britain seems to us more ignoble than the part she took before the Servian war in holding back all support from the insurgents in the Herzegovina and Bosnia, and the part she has recently taken in helping Turkey to bully Greece into quiescence.