26 JANUARY 1861, Page 8



There has been an active demand for accommodation the whole of the week at 7 per cent ; inferior paper has not been easy of negotiation, even at that rate. Money, notwithstanding, is abundant, inasmuch as trade is fall- ing off, but with the abundance, there is a feeling of prudent distrust as to the future, attributable in part to the doubt which overhangs the mainte- nance of peace, and also to the necessities of the Indian and Imperial Govern- ments ; both will shortly be on the market for loans, India for 3,000,0001. within a few days. The export of gold, though apparently diminishing, to New York, is not falling off to any great extent. Since this day week 340,000/. have been exported, 338,0001. of which have been sent to America. The imports have been about 300,0001. We are, therefore, not increasing our stock, especially as the 300,0001. imported from Australia have already in great part been taken for France.

The Consol Market has been subject this week to considerable fluctua- tions, and a large amount of bon& fide and speculative business has been transacted. The Market opened heavily on Monday at 911 911, and

shortly afterwards receded to 911 911; the next day a rally to 91191} took place, at which prices there were large purchases made, and numerous " bear " accounts were closed. The quotation has since ranged between 911 and 91i; closing finally this afternoon " buyers " at the latter figure. Bank Stock leaves off 231 233 ; India Five per tent marks 1001 and 100 ; and the Five-and-a-half ditto, 100 and 991; Reduced and New Three per Cents, 911 91i ; Exchequer Bills, 781. 2s. dls. ; Consols for Money, 91.1 91J. The Foreign Stock Market has been somewhat more active, and prices in many cases show a slight improvement. Mexican have especially im- proved upon the late news from Mexico, the closing price being 22 24; altogether a large amount of business has been done in these Bonds. Chi- li= Four-and-a-half per Cents are 82 83 ; Ditto Six per Cents, 101 103; Sardinian, 82 83; Victor Emmanuel, 92 93 ; Russian, 104 105 ; Peruvian Stocks, steady, the Four-and-a-Half per Cents, 95 96; Ditto Three per Cents, 72 73 ; Ditto Uribarren, 80 81; Ditto the Dollar Bonds, 78 80 ; Buenos Ayres, 93 95 ; Ditto Three per Cents, 29 30 ; Venezuela, 20 21; Ditto One-and-a-half per Cents, 11 12 ; Grenada Active, 14 15 ; Ditto De- ferred, 5 51 ; Turkish Stocks are heavy and flat, consequent upon reported failures in the Greek trade. Spanish Three per Cents, 471 48 ; Ditto De- ferred, 401404; Ditto Certificates, 5161. The Railway Share Market has been extremely active from the commence- ment of the week. An extensive business has been doing, and prices have undergone some serious fluctuations, particularly in the heavier shares ; Midland, for instance, were at one time done at a decline of 3 per cent upon the closing of Saturday ' • today negotiations occurred at an improvement upon last week of 11., making a variation of 7 per cent in the week ; at the close this afternoon the Market is weaker, and the price is 92 921 ; Great Western, 72 721; London and North-Western, 991 100; London and South- Western, 931 941; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 114 1141f Caledonian, 951 961; London and Brighton, 116 118 ; South-Eastern and Dover, &51 851 ; North Stafford, 141 14*; Great Northern, 111 113 ; Ditto A Stock, 105 107 ; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 521 531 ; Chester and Holyhead, 521 531; Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee, 261 271; Berwick, 101 1041 ; North British, 64/ 651. Very little business been passing in French shares, and prices have not had any material fluctuation. Lombardo-Venetian shares are quoted firmer at 11 .11 dis. ; Northern of France, 371 381; Luxembourg, 61 61; Sambre and Meuse, 51.51. Indian Market dull and heavy ; East Indian, 71 8 ; Great India Peninsula, 941B95. Marine Insurance shares steady at nearly former rates. Joint-stock Banks firm ; London Joint, 30 31; London and Westminster, 62 64 ; City, 69 71; Union, 26 27.


An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Wednesday the 23d day of Jan. 1861.


Notes issued /25,263,430 Government Debt 111,015,100

Other Securities 3,459,900

Gold Coin and Bullion



Silver Bullion 1,444,786

£25,263,430 I



Proprietors 'Capital Rest £14,553,000 3,360,261 Government Securities(inclu- ding Dead WeightAnnulty). £8,447,430 Public Deposits' 2,948,437 Other Securities 20,238,060 Other Deposits 13,130,293 Notes 5,228,300 Seven Days and other Bills . 652,949 Gold and Silver Coln 733,150



• Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissloners of National Debt, and Dlr. Acct.

A great impetus has been given to the movement for obtaining a supply of cotton from sources other than the Slave States of America. Besides the gigantic company set on foot at Manchester, an India Cotton Company (Limited) has been started " to procure, by a system of direct dealings with the growers in India, an increase in the importation of Indian cotton into this country, an improvement in its quality, and greater freedom from adul- teration."

Great Britain exports five times the weight of books she imports. The exports in 1859, three-fourths of which went to the United States and the Colonies, were 33,453 hundredweight. The imports, one-third from France, were 6520 hundredweight. It must be remembered, however, that Great Britain exports bound books, while France and Germany content them- selves with paper covers. English paper, too, is better, and therefore heavier than the flocky linen called paper in Leipsic.