OF the new February discs there is a good recording of Mozart's Sonata in F for Violin and Piano (K376), by Jehudi Menuhin and his sister, Hephzibah (H.M.V. DB3551-3). Two French songs (H.M.V. DA183o), sung by Maggie Teyte, can be recofnmended, of which, however, Ici-bas, by Faure, rather eclipses Hahn's setting of Verlaine's En Sourdine ; something more interesting might have been found to bracket with Faure.
But if one regrets Maggie Teyte's not having something more interesting than the Hahn song, what is one to think of the choice of Richard Tauber in Tchaikovsky's "None but the weary heart " and "No more I'll be singing " (Col. RDzo518), both of which are quite unsuited to his style and gifts! Tauber has a truly remarkable technique, and a fine voice, but neither is shown to advantage in these two melancholy songs, which require an exquisite sincerity ; whereas there are fine operatic arias by Tchaikovsky which would suit him admirably. Far the most interesting and attractive of the recordings under notice is that of Canticles, Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis and Psalms Nos. r,; and 16, " Lord who shall dwell in Thy Tabernacle" and "Preserve me, 0 God" (H.M.V. B9308). These are beautifully sung—as- well as being musically worthy of their great poetry—by the B.B.C. singers, conducted by Leslie Woodgate. Every word can be heard distinctly, and I must con- gratulate heartily whoever was responsible for the training of these