26 FEBRUARY 1831, Page 12

her of burgesses only, could not be held to deprive

the inhabitant house- The only complaint to which the deceased, Mrs. Lloyd, had been sub- holders, rated and paying scot and lot, of their elective franchise. The ject previous to Mr. Long's prescribing for her, was a slight affection of ,lispnte in 1689 appeared, from the Journals, to have been between the the throat, resembling quinsy in its effects : it was the ordinary conse- .ielect, or twentv-fonr capital burgesses, and the populacy, a very dif- quence of cold, and had always yielded to a very small blister. Mrs. ferent body in ;.ommon parlance and legal construction from scot and Lloyd was put under Mr. Long's care on the 5th October ; on the 6th, lot housekeepers; and. therefore, I r. Atlain alleged, the claim of the latter she inhaled, as it is called ; andel' the same day, or a day or two after, had never been determined, arid ought mit to be affected by any decision be- she was rubbed. On the lean she complained of extreme pain in her tweets other parties. Besides, where any doubt or ambiguity appeared, as breast, from the friction ; the pain was accompanied with sickness, rest-.


this instance, the Committee were not bound by the former decision, lessness, and fever. There was a discharge from the centre of the sore, Mr. Harrison (for the sitting members) stated that the term " popu- and the edges were much inflamed and puffed up. The discharge in. lacy " meant the same as "scot and lot housekeepers;" and that there- creased in quantity; and wherever it touched the skin, it produced in- fere thelnestion was no longer open to them. In support of his asser- flammation of a similar character to the original sore. On the 12th, tin, he read a passage from Simeon on Elections; but the authority Captain Lloyd, the husband of the deceased, saw Mr. Long ; when the failed him, as the passage distinctly proved that " populacy " was sync). latter inquired why his patient had not visited him again to proceed with nymous with "potwallopers" and inbabitaa ts generally, whether bee inhaling and rubbing ? Ile called on the evening of that day. From lodgers or others. The Committee-room being cleared, after upwards the excessive pain, the patient had been induced to lay aside Mr. Long's or an hour's deliberation, the Committee decided that they were bound dressing—a cabbage-leaf—and apply a simple blister-dressing. Mr. Long by the last determination of 21st May, 1689. Mr. Adam raised :mother dabbed the sore with a cloth ; told Mrs. Lloyd that old linen was best for point on the absolute nullity; of the charter of Elizabeth, which was healing sores of that kind, and that, as soon as it was healed, he surrendered to Charles the Second, such surrender having been duly would rub it again. He called on the 13th ; but at that visit enrolled. This point appeared to make great impression; but the Corn. Mrs. Lloyd was so ill and so fearful of having the wound irritated mittee considered themselves precluded, by the determination of 1689, again, that she refused to see him. This was his last visit to Mrs.. from determining on the validity of the charter. Both decisions being Lloyd. On the 12th, Mr. Campbell, a surgeon, was called in. Mr. thus adverse to the petitioners, the sitting members were declared duly Campbell describes the counter-irritant wound in the following terms— returned. It was understood, that on each question the numbers were " I found an extensive sore, covering the whole anterior part of the equal ; being 5 to 5, and decided only by the Chairman's vote. The chest. A very strong acid would, I think, have produced that wound. ,eseneral impression was so strong in the House, and among lawyers, of The skin was destroyed, and lay separated in folds on the chest ; the the conclusive nature of Mr. Adam's argument on both points, that the cellular membrane under the skin was partly destroyed ; there was a petitioners would have been advised to appeal, but that the Reform Bill considerable discharge from the wholeof the wound, svhich extended from will, it is hoped, give them all the benefit of that appeal. The house- nearly one arm-pit to the other, above the throat, to the bottom of the holders of the opulent and populous town of Truro are now therefore chest ; the skin was nearly off both breasts ; the centre of the wound • represented by the nominees of a peer, on the election of twenty-four of was darker in colour than the other parts. I rather think there were his Lordship's triends and dependants, the capital burgesses comprising several cabbage-leaves then over tlie wound, which I removed, and ap- among their number, Lord Exmouth, Admiral Devonshire, half a-dozen plied a simple spermaceti ointment. [This was on the Tuesday.] I .tergym en , and as many lawyers, most of them non-resident, and having visited her again on the Wednesday, and twice a day until her death. I no common interest with the inhabitants of Truro. - considered the wound decidedly dangerous when first I saw it—danger- REFORM Mnterneas.—The High Sheriff of Wiltshire has convened a ems to life The spermaceti-dressing was applied until Mr. Vance came, meeting 'of that county to be held it Devizes, to -consider the subject when a little calamine powder was added, and a poultice a day or two . This falling off had been principally in the law classes. The library Of Parliamentary Reform. The requisition was signed by the Earls of was augmented to 9,598 volumes ; and the Elementary School had Suffolk and Radnor, Lord Andover (the first nobleman's son), Sir Ed- made a favourable progress.. On the whole, the Council felt that the ward Poore, Bart., and upwards of one hundred gentlemen of the first greatest difficulties which had impeded the institution had been over- rank, wealth, and respectability, within the county. Wiltshire is one of eome ; but, at the same time, they reminded the proprietors that the the principal of the Borough counties, and contains within it severahof

zimounts to about 25 or 30 per cent. on the value: the moment the Meetings have also been held at Durham, Bury in Suffulk, Cocker. duty is taken off, the taxed goods will be met by free goods, and must be mouth, Cork, Winchester, Dudley, and many other places.

garding it, as to their present stocks on band. form to be handled by those that like them. They can hardly avoid

COAL-DUTIES.—The repeal of the coal-duties will commence from the cutting their fingers, touch them how delicately soever they may. The 1st of March. All coals shipped for London after that day will be exempt Briçihon Gazelle says, the meeting was got up at the suggestion of Lord from duty. Business was at a stand at the Coal Exchange on Monday. John Russell, and with a view to support Ministers. To support An order was sent to Gravesend, on Saturday, for the 150 ships lying Ministers it might be meant, though what support they were to derive there, to proceed to London. The coahfattors have received orders from from it is not easily calculated ; we, however, question its being got up die North not to dispose of a single ship till after the 1st of March, UR. at the instigation of Lord John Russell, or any one else, but the need-