The " Spectator " in 1932 Beginning with its next
issue, the first of 1932, the Spectator will inaugurate a weekly feature calculated, it is hoped, to commend itself to readers who appreciate a more intimately personal touch than can be imparted to the definitely editorial columns of a journal such as this. Under the heading, " A Spectator's Notebook " a contributor whose collaboration it is a peculiar satis- faction to secure will set down his impressions of the life of the day in many aspects. While he will remain anonymous, for reasons to be easily understood, it may be said that he has achieved distinction alike in academic, administrative, literary and political fields, as well as on active service in the European War—a record which sufficiently guarantees his range of outlook. His column, together with " The Week at Westminster " under the authorship of a Parliamentary observer of long experi- ence and proved sanity of judgement, will go far to ensure the provision week by week of an alert and balanced commentary on current events such as the Spectator aims at furnishing. * * * *