26 DECEMBER 1874, Page 1

Prince Bismarck, it appears, was greatly offended at his deser-

tion by the Liberals in the division on the arrest of Herr Majunke, and the Liberals therefore resolved to show that their -conduct involved no attack on him. They chose the- opportunity of the vote for the Secret Service Fund, now annually placed at .the dispbsal of the Foreign Office, and after declaring through Herr Bennigsen that they meant the absence of discussion to be `taken as a vote of confidence, they carried it almost unanimously. 'Only Herr Windthorst spoke against it, and he was supported only by the Ultramonta.nes, Socialists, and Poles. It seems cer- tain that the revelations in the Arnim trial have increased Prince Bismarck's popularity with the majority. They say he has been intent only to preserve peace. -