The only news of importance from France relates to the
Alge- rine exredition. A body of French, about 7000 in num- ber, defeated ABDAL KADER and his Arabs in two engagements; after which, they entered the fortified town of Mascara, which they razed on the 6th instant ; not deeming it prudent or neces- sary to retain possession of it. The Duke of ORLEANS was in this affair, and was slightly wounded in the thigh by a spent ball : by this time he has returned to Paris.
The Courrier Francais announces that electoral reform, and the removal of commercial restrictions, are to be the objects of the Opposition in the French Chambers in the ensuing session. DUPIN will probably be elected President unanimously. It is said that the Crown lawyers have been embarrassed by FIESCHI'S refusal to support by his testimony in Court the charges against his accomplices which he made to M. PORTA Lis and others, and which are mentioned in the act of accusation. The reason given for his refusal is mortification at finding himself described as a dissipated, low villain, instead of a state criminal of a sublime and heroic character.