Tuesday, August 22.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. IV. and J. Braid, Watford. Herts, butchers-Winkel) itad Dobson, Liverpool, ship smiths- Latham and Mitchinson. Wigan, Lancashire, brassfounders - Bewley. and Dock ray, Liverpool-Forbes and Watsou. Stauwell, millers--Fisher and Co. Liverpool, wine merchants; as far as regards M. Robinson-Whittaker and Tatham, New Square, Lincoln's Ion, attornies-alsTier and White, Yeovil, glove-mam,ftcturers-W. and S. Starr. Leeds. bricklayers-Redge and Theobalti, St. 111 ortin'sle-Grand, buttou sellers -Pidduck and Co. Hanley. iroumongers-Walker and Co. Liverpool. wool brokers- Alher:on anti Co. Wolverhampton, ironfounders -Pyle and M auu, Bedliagtoo, Durham, surgeons -Smith and Co. Moutreal and Glasgow.
Chalmers. Methuen. Yorkshire, licensed victualler-Barnes, Woolwich, Carpenter
-Molehills, Manchester, dressmaker-Bedford, Bristol, out of bushiest-Hope. War- rimpon. printer-Groom, Long Iluckbv Top Locks, Nonliamptoushire, smith-Adams, Bromley Street, Commercial Road, 'Step:ley, town-traveller-Edmonds. Greenwich, attorney's clerk -Walker. Uppingliam, Rutiancishire. surgeon -Gleadhill, Dewsbury, blauketrmaunfacturer-Stanway. Manchester, out of besittess-Phillips, Dolgellau, Merionethshire, curate-Thurtell, Eatou, Norwich, landscape-gardeuer-Scott, Man. ches!er, millwright-Barns, Tvrmoham, Devonshire, plumber - Mainstoue, York, Weller-Lister, Dewsbury, Yorkshire, clothier.
ALLEN, HENRY, JOSEPH. and GEORGE, Birmingham, drapers.
Catoecorr, Josue, and ROBERT. Manchester. silk-mercers. to surrender. Sept. 21, Oct. 10r solicitors, Messrs. Reed and Shaw, Friday Street; Messrs. Sale and Worthing• tots, Manchester; suit Messrs. E. IL and W. Bennett, Ma utheaer; official assignee, Mr. Frazer, Manchester.
COLS:AGRI. MARTIN HENRY LEAVIs GASTANo. Cockspur Street, priutseller, Sept. 15, Oct. 14: solicitor. Mr. Pithier, Temple ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abcherch Lane. Metals/re, Yeovil. victualler. Sept. 1. 27: solicitors Messrs,. Feunell and Kelly, Bedford Row; Mr. Watts, Yeovil; au 1 Mr. Laidman, Exeter ; official assignee. Mr. Hirtzel, Exeter.
ORD, Jous CHARLES, Kingsbury, Sept. 5, Oct. 17: solicitor, Mr. Goren, Smith Mutton Street ; official assignee. Mr. Green. Aldermaisbury.
Nimes, SAMUEL Fox. Poutardawe. Glamorganshire, iron founder, Sept. 14, 28: so- licitor, Mr. Mansfield, Gsamorganshire; official assignee, Mr. Morgan, Bristol. WEELZir, JOS N, and Davis. FRANCIS. Liverpool. drug-grinders, Sept. 7. Oct.3: solici- tors, Messrs. Forshaw and Blundell, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool. DIVIDENDS.
Sept. 12, Blood, North Audley Street, surgeon-Sept. 14, H. and J. Hedger, Coven- try, watch-manufacturers.
To lie granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of sleeting.
Sept. 14. Heaving. Exmouth Street, lineudraper-Sept. 21, Butt, Great Surrey Street, linendraper -Sept. 15, Kimplon, High Street, Newiugtoo, draper-Sept. 21, Cram-
break. Deal. draper-Sept. 21. Williams. Aldr,ate. lineudraper-Sept. 21. Bloor, Wharf Road. City R. ail. coal merchant-Sept. 19, Stanford, Cranborne, Doreetshire, farmer -Sept. 16. (lark. Billingsgate, victualler - Sept. 15. Richards, Oxford Street, Beery-stable keeper - Sept. 27. Seccumbe, Taristock, tailor-Supt. 14. Farmer, Wel- lington. Salop. grocer-Sept. 13. Thorp, Manchester. merchant-Sept. 14. Topharu Manchester. woollen.merchant -Oct. 16. Hilt,n. Over Damen. bleacher- Sept. 25, Schofield, Oldham. grocer -Sept. 22, Fuller, Phelan, Lancashire, logwood grinder- Sept. 22, Greenwood, Oldham, corn-dealer.
To be granted, unless cease be shown to the contrary. as or befbre Sept. 12. Tattersall, Over Darwsn, coal dealer-Stripling, Colchester. coachmaker --Wulff, Liverpool. banker -Mallaa. Ludgate Hill, Harroldstone, Pembroke• shire, grocer -Hairsine, York. linendraper, -Tanner, Grenada Terrace, Stepney, master-mariner-Shickle, Great Pulteney Street. --T. and E. Williams, Liverpool, lineudrapers -Jones, Stafford, bookseller -Hendersou, Ryton, Durham. wood merchant-Stern, Oxford Street, hosier-Mansfield, Liverpool, Whittenbury, Blackheath Hill. builder.
Thomas. Bristol. hotel.keeper; first and final div. of 2s 7d. Sept. 6, 20. Oct. 4. or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Acraman. Bristol-Rose. Spalding, ironmonger; first di.. of 9s. Sept. 7 and 21. and on any subsequent Thursday to Oct. 4; Mr. Bittle- ston, Birmingham -Viueent, Redditch, Worcestershire, pawnbroker; first div. of 2s. Sept. 7 and 21. and any subsequent Thursday to Oct. 4; Mr. Bittleston, Birmingham -Finn, Nottingham, tailor; second div. of Id. Sept. 7 and 21. and any subsequent Thursday to Oct. 4; Mr. Bittleston. Birmingham -Southern, Birchill, Staffordshire, miller ; first div. of 13.3d. Sept. 7 and 21, and any Thursday subsequent to Oct. 4; Mr. Bittleston. Birmingham-Hill. Newcastle npon-Tyne. wine- mei chant ; first div. of 6s. Oct. 7, or any succeeding Saturday; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon Tyne-Batson and Co. Berwick-upon-Tweed, brokers; third div. of 3s. Id. Sept. 2, 4. 5, 6, 7. 16. IS. 19, 20, and 21. or on any Saturday on or after Oct.?; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne- Clarke. Kingston-upon Hull. merchant; div. of Is. 6d. Sept.? and 21. or any subse- quent Thursday ; Mr. Freeman, Leeds- Firth. Heckmonwide, Yorkshire. dir. of 21. Sept. 7 and 21. and any subsequent Thursday; Mr. Freeman, Leeds.
ALUM, JAMES, Glasgow, ironmonger. Aug. 28, Sept. 18.
Friday, Avg. 25.
Broom and Davies. Llanelly, Carmartheushire, printera-Lintott and Bateman. Stratford-npou-Avon, schoolmistresses-Day and Co. Great Queen Street, saddlers' ironmongers-Purnell and Co. Bristol. tobacconists- Caister and Sous, Folkestone, grocers - Baker and Sons, Upper Southwick Street North, Paddington. furnishing- ironmongers-Nixon and Co. Crutchedfriars, corn-factors; as far as regards Wight- man - Cook and Sons, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, brewers; as far as regards J Cook- Jackson and Co. Liverpool, broken-Eisdell and Martin, Enfield, brewers -Four- drinier and Co. Stoke-upon-Trent. tissue- paper-ruanufacturers-M• Glashan and M'Al- ley. Long Acre. soap-manufacturers-Beer and Price Princes Mews, Broad Street, livery-stable keepers-Hicks and Richardson, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, brewers- J. and T. Newton, Friday Street, Cheapside, snuff manufacturers-Francis and Dodge. Liverpool, attornies-Tunley and CO- Burton-upon Trent, canal-crrriers; as far as regetda Hodson-Hollaud and Lyal, Tooley Street, potato-salesman-Avery and Co. Bristol, wine-merchants; as far as regards J. Lax.
Cohen. Lent Street, Southwark, vial dealer-Cohen. Belvidere Place. Borough Road. vial dealer - Downward, Liverpool, tailor-Tayres, Manchester, joiner-Hep- worth, Bradford. Yorkshire, grocer-Wilson. Widues. Lancashire. out of business- Fowler. Baetry, Yorkshire, coachman-Cencher. Bruton Street, New Bond Street, livery-stablekeeper--Hampton, Bland Street, Dover Road, eatiug house keeper - Brown, Bell's Buitilings, Salisbury Square. commission-agent-Evans, Famed, next Rochester. grocer-Lomb, Batley, Yorkshire. cloth drawer-Hartley. Bradford, Yorkshire. mechanic-Newsome, Batley, Yorkshire, clothier- Redgrave, Waked Square. Lambeth. out of business-Swithenbauk, Calverley, Yorkshire, clothier- Wightmau. (otherwise Frederick Wightman Wilson). Battersea, clerk-Gowar, Took's Costae; Cursitor Street, law-writer-Levi, Wednesbury. Staffordshire. watchmaker- Edge,W Ifetkalls,Shropshire, blacksmith-Lawrence, Bernard Street. Brunswick Square.
Alarms. Jamas, Shorediteh, tobacconist, to surrender Sept. 6, Oct. 6: solicitors, Messrs. Lawrence, Old Fish Street; official assignee, Mr. Gibson. Basinghall Street. Burns WILLIAM. Harrow Road, hoarding house-keeper, Sept. 1, Oct 6; solicitor, Mr. Barnard, Southampton Street. Strand; official assignee. Mr. Alsager Birchin Lane. BT/CFIAKAN, CHABLIS BENN and CUNNINGHAM WILLIAM. Liverpool, merchants.G Sept. 11, Oct. 3: solicitors. Mr. Carey, Southampton Building; and Mr. Whitley, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Turner Liverpool. CUNNINGHAM, ANDREW, Bolton, provision-dealer, Sept. 13. 27: solicitors, Messrs. Corothwaite and Adams, Dean's Court, Doctors' Commons; and Mr. Cornthwaite, Li- verpool; official assignee, Mr. Putt, Manchester. Cmiswaru, WILLIAM, Newton. Cheshire, brewer, Sept. 9 Oct. 12: solicitors, Mr. Cuff. Half Moon Street; and Mr. Barker, Middlewich; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool. Coteries. Router Surrow, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, grocer, Sept. 1, Oct. 16: solicitors, Messrs. Hill and Matthews, Bury Court. St Mary Axe; and Mr. Hoyle, Newcastle- upon-Tyne; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcasrle- upon-Ts ne. JUDD. JAMES. and WILLIAM, Romsey. Hampshire, mealmen, Sept. 2, Oct. 6: solici- tors: Messrs. Stanidand and Long, Bouverie Street; and Mr. Holmes, Romsey ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell. Baranghall Street. Parma, JOHN, Bedford, statuary. Sept. 4. Oct- 14: solicitor, Mr. Lewis, Wilmington Square; official assignee. Mr. Green, Aldermaubury. Pow, Janes BROUGH. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. shipping broker, Sept. 5, Oct. 16: so- licitors. Messrs. Brooksbank and Fare, Gray's Inn; and Mr. Brown, Newcastle; offi• cid' assignee. Mr. Baker. Newcastle-upon-Tvne. Ronsort. JOSEPH and THOMAS RICHARD, St. Martin's Lane, organ-builders, Sept. 4, 27 : solicitors, Messrs. Moseley and Co. Bedford Street, Covent Garden; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury. WALSH, HENRY. Beading, watchmaker, Sept. 1, Oct. 5: solicitor, Mr. Barber, Fur. nival's Inn; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basiughall Street.
Sept. 18, Cock, Bungay, grocer-Sept. 18, Bayley, Botherhithe,ship.breaker-Sept. 18, Laurence, Crowe Court, Old Broad Street, merchant.
To be granted, sliest canoe be shown to the contrary, oft the dry of meeting. Sept. 16, Gordon, Colchester, coach-proprietor-Sept. 18. Billingsley, Harwich, merchant-Sept. IS, Stirton. Cbandos Street. Covent Garden. grocer-Sept. 21, Stood. ley, Bridport, twine-manufacturer-Oct. 12, Goody and M'Kee, Kingston upon-Hull, millers-Sept. 19, T. Itadelyffe, Birmingham, stationer. To be granted. unless cave be shown to the contrary, us or before Sept. 15. Pinkerton. Mark Lane, merchant -Crallan. Sunderland. timber-merchant -Bloxam, Duke Street. Grosvenor Square. apothecary-Winfield, Newcastle-upon Tyne. dr per -Biiryon. Bell's Buildings, Salisbury Square, commercial-agent-Wood and Co. Mill- bridge, Yorkshire, machine-makers-East, Spalding, Liucoln, builder-Sims, St. Ives and Penzance, grocer.
Harwood. Beverley, linendraper ; second div. of ld. and the creditors who have proved their debts since the first div. was declared, may receive a first and second div. of 7s. 75. Sept. 7 and 21, and on any subsequent Thursday after Oct 4 ; Mr. Freeman, Leeds-M•Gregor, Chester, grocer; div. of 3s. 2d. and the whole of the creditors a fur- ther div. of 415. Sept. 4, or any subsequent Monday; Mr. Turner, Liverpool-Brown and Co. Liverpool, colour manufacturers : div. of 20s. Sept. 4, or any subsequent Mon. day; Mr. Turner, Liverpool-J. T. and W. Bradley, Leeds, ironmongers ; first div. of 2s. Sept. 2, and on any subsequent day; Mr. Young, Leeds-Sanderson, Leeds, wool- lendraper ; first. die. of 5s. Sept 7, 21. and on any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Free- man Leeds-Eyre Gaiusboroueli, spirit-merchant; first die. 20s. Sept. 7.21, and on any subsequent Thursdax; Mr. Freeman, Leeds-Dickson, Thirsk, lineudraper; first dies of.5s. Sept. 7 and 21, and on any subsequent Thursday. Mr. Freeman, Leeds-T. and E. Williams. Liverpool ; first die. of 9s. 6d. Oct. 5, or any subsequent Thursday; Mr. Celanese, Liverpool-Wilkinson, Manchester, dealer in toys; div. of at. 74d Sept. 19 and Oct. 10, and on any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester.
MARTIN, Davis. Brougbty Ferry, fish-dealer, Aug. 30, Sept. 20. Scorr, Warara, Comeau°, Sept. 2, 23.
Wasson, ALsztatums, Lynlisb, Morayshire, Aug. 30, Sept. 20.