26 AUGUST 1843, Page 21



On the 10th August. at Odra:tar. the Lady or Licutennut-Colouel Baorae, Com- manding First Battalion Royal Regiment, of is slaughter. On the 10th, at Anglesea, Hampshire. the Lady of Heeny Fotraorr Powirtt, Esq... of Brandlesome Hall, Lancashire. of n son.

On the 12th. at Hanover. the Lady of the Hon. Georror EDOEcUMBE. of a son. Ou the 15th, at Braunstou, Northamptonslilre, the Wife or the Rev. ALFRED B.

Csouon. Rector of that place, of a daughter.

On the 16th. nt Little Harks Tower. the Lady of Tito:OAS ANDERSON, Esq., High Sheriff' of Nerthumberland. or a son and heir.

On the 20t1t, at Windsor Castle, the Hon. Mrs. G. E. A: soy, of a daughter, still.boro.

Ou the 20th, at Tunbridge Wells, Lady SARA!' Taysase of a sun.

Ou the 20th, at la:agile:I. Newcastle on-T,ts ,. Lady limey. of a situ.

Oa the 22.1, in Lo Andes Square, the Lady MalletRET LITTLET0N, of it son. 0,1 the 23.1, at Reading. the Lady of Captain James A MURRAY, R.N., or a daughter. On the 23d, at Putney Hill, lady FHANcES SAYDOS. Ora sun.


Oa the 15th August. at Belbroughtou. RICH.ARD IlicRmAx. Esq., of Old Swinford. to MARtAsme, eldest daughter of the late GEORGE FRANK IthAelorox, D.D.. Rector or Bel • brosrghmn.

Ou the 17th, at St. Paul's Chapel, Edinburgh, ALEXANDER LEITH. Esq., eldest son of Lieutenaut.Geuetel Sir Alexander Lehb. K.0 ti., or FreeReld, to MARY ANNA, only daughter of General Oir ALEXANDER HAt.KATr. K.C.H.

On the 171.b. at Truro, the liev. F. CARLY0X. B.A.' son of Clement Carlyou, Esq., M.D., of that place. bi Lucy. youngeet daughter or E. TURNER. Esq., M.P. Ou the 19th, at St. Jimeirs, Piccadilly. Mr. Wo.r.lata HENRY FREDERICK CAVENDISH. to the Lady Exit., LASIMMX. sister of tlie Earl of DCRIIAm. Os the 224. at St. Pancras Church, Tuarais lVests, Esq., of Tutbury, eldest son of the late John Webb. Esq., of Barton usider•Needwousl, Staffordshise, to LUCINDA, youngest daughter of the late JOHN BoDEN, Esq.. of Edmiston Lodge, Derbyshire. On the 2211, at St. Mars's, Batbuick. the Rev. J. WAI.KER. Fellow or Brasenose Oat ad, and larder of Great Billing, to CATHERINE MARY AuousvA, second daughter of Captaiu CARROLL. C.11., R.N.

On the 22d, at Weybridge, Surrey, Asthrtsw Doyt.e, Esq.. of the Inner Temple, to

IAMISA youngest daughter of Sir Jo EAvreops. Bait.. M.1'. Ou the 22d, at Butelnon. Essex, Sir CLAUDE CHARMER DE CRESPIGEY. Balt., of Cliamte Lodge. Surrey. to Maim, eecutel daughter or Pir JOHN TissEN TYRELL, Bart., T., of !Imam House. Ou the 23,1, at St. George's. Hanover Square. Ilesear LEIGH P1111.1.1Ps, Esq., to More, daughter of E. FUME* MAITLAND, Esti.. or Palk Pace. Oxfordshire. On the 23d. at St. Marylebone Muds. ARTHUR HALL. Esq, of the Madras Civil Service. to MARY ANN Ruse, second daughter of Major M. C. CHASE, of Nottingham Klee, Regent's Park. On the 24th. at Upper Deal Church, Captain EDWARD CHARLES WARDE. Royal Home Artillery, eldest sun it lag son of the late General Sir Henry Warde, G.C.B.. to Jaws, eldest daughter ante Rev. CHARLES Lase, Rector of Deal.


On the 5th Angest, at Rosenberg, in Pressi t, EVER'IMA Fuel's Baroness Vow Anaemia, third daughter or the late IV. M. FARMER. Esq.. or Nonsuch Park, Surrey.'

On the 12th. at Green Cottage, Sutton, JAMES CARSON, Esq., M.D., F.R.S., late of Li erpoul ; in his 71st year. On the 14th, at his seat in Warwickshire, Roaster CANNING, Esq., of Fe:cote, and of HarIterry, Gloucestershire. On the 16th. at Oxe'ndon. of which parish he has been Rector ally.seven years. the Rev. GEOROE BOULTON. M.A.; in his 82d year.

On the 17th, at Fair Oak. the Hon. Lady Neer. Widow of the late Hon. Sir CHARLES PAGET.

On the 18th. MAYDWELL HORATIO ROBERT GULliToN, Eat.. of Knuston Hall, North- amptonshire. and late of her Majesty's Eightieth Regiment. On the 18th, from an accident. HENRY WOLSELEY, Esq., the younger son of Sir Charles Wolseley, Bart.; in his 24th tear. On the 18th, in Grosvenor Square. Joists Rows. Viscount HINT011; in his 23d year. Ou the 20th. at Stratton Park. Hants. Miss WILIMLIRINA CHARLDTTE MAITLAND, the youngest daughter of the late Colonel III ait'and. of Edinburgh.

On the 2ffilt, at Cuopersalo Rectory, Essex, the Rev. CHARLES BoyD ABUT; in his 55th year.

, On the 22d. at Matter House. Croydon, the Rev. Dr. GEORGE Oots Velma. On the Vd, at Langlee. Melrose. Roxburgshire, Scrota, Wife of Captain Russet/. Mt/syn., R.N., iti her 37th year. At the Mauritius. the Rev. ARTMIR LEIOHTYPT !MEM. M.A., of Cahn College. Cam• bridge. Priucipai of the Collegiate Seminary of the Society for Propagating the Go.pul at Madras; in his 30th year.