26 AUGUST 1843, Page 15


THE municipal authorities of France will be the death of the Prince de Hi:moults. M. Tnouvt-CneuvEL, the Mayor who lectured him at Mans, and was dismissed by Royal ordinance, has just been reelected a member of the Municipal Council by his fellow-citizens. The Duke and his Dutchess proceeded in their tour, and at other places they were received " coldly. At Rennes, the Prince encountered another didac- tic address, front the President of the Civil Tribunal, who touched upon the military predilections of the Government- " The time, fortunately, no longer exists when the entire of France was one immense camp—when the highest power of the state had for its principal mis- sion to defend the independence of the nation, which was incessantly menaced on all sides. The place of the Chief of the State might then be at the head of our armies ; but today the sword can no longer be the exclusive attribute of the Constitutional Royalty."

And M. le President went on to exhort the Prince, like a schoolboy, to imitate the example of his brother of Orleans, and to prepare for his high duties by study I The Duke seems to have lost his spirit: he could only say, that be would devote himself to his duties, would follow the example of his father, and would select Ministers sincerely devoted to their country. Will this reply also be eked out by the dismissal of the President ?