Libels on the Jews The. sentence of six months' imprisonment
passed by Mr.. Justice Greaves-Lord on Monday on the writer of an attack on the Jews in a paper called the Fascist is worthy of some attention. The persecution of Jews in various Continential countries has inspired small sections of the population here, to whom the arrogation of authority practised -by Fascists and National Socialists makes appeal, to attacks of various kinds against Jews in this country ,both generically and individually. Both the sentence pronounced by the Judge and the stern words he addressed to the defendant are welcome evidence that no distinction between Jewish and non-Jewish citizens of this country will be recognised or tolerated. The offence of the two defendants was described . by the Judge as an agreement " to print and publish a certain newspaper containing scandalous and libellous statements concerning people of the Jewish faith to the prejudice of the lawful customary intercourse existing between Jews and non-Jews, to the endangerment of peaceful relations." It is well that it should be fully understood that that is an offence, punishable with heavy penalties.