Industrial Design
mitted varies from 75 to 85 per cent., according to the pattern sera fort regrettable. .. .
walls is carried by the floors and not vice versa ; but in any qu'll y trouva hien du changement. . • .
a bugbear with solid floors if steps, be mA,;talcen,to guard against of the Main Hall &series of.noodels demonstrating what these steps may be This, is the right sort of exhibit, making .an. immediate appeal to small boys of every age and either where buttons may be preSsed at .110 expense and exciting de Ia guerre. Pour things happen inside glass eases.. Noise in buildings can be Jai era constater une diminution des libertes individuelles, transmitted in two . ways : by air, or through the structural fabric itself:. It may be amplified by the fortuitous presence the vibrations of this can ,be damped downin any Way. Asa re parallel to the nuisance of a typewriter or other noisy machine, p de barrieres, pew d'uniformes, une douane benign. the have two .cases, each containing a. small electric rtfeel at home. Maintenant s'il n'y a pas plus de bruit et motor which can be started by pressing a button. In. one the. motor is fixed direct to the floor, in the other to a .base mounted on springs. Separate earphones allow a comparison. of the results to be made. An extension _of this principle. is shown by number cases in which a num of little boots descend heavily on concrete floors, one fixed, two others .floating." This is an apt and accurate representation of the means dans leur vie -privee en -dehors d'une - declaration annuelle that can be taken to combat what has proved to be one of -the pour l'impet sur le reveriu et une feuille de recensement par greatest disadvantages of flat lift sounds from a floor above decade. Aujourd'hui • ils ne pourraient plus se venter: - La penetrating to the flats below. No solution to the analogous Chambre • des Lords ne consacrait,elle pas toute -une seance problem of sound-penetration through partition walls is y. a deux moil a la discussion du fardeaur impose.- a- rill-- presented here : either the N.P.L. or the Building Research dustrie et au commerce - sous:-Ia forme de questionnaires , Station has already announced that no completely satisfactory remplir pour radministration.' • • • substitute for, mere mass and weight can be found, although Mon ami poursuivit: "Tout • eels., direi-vous, est -bien much can be done by the use of sound-absorbent materials genant mail iepresente au-fond que la 'rancon du progres. on the surfaces of the walls. Other models demonstrate the . C'est possible. Neanmoins cela represents-tout un bottle- effect of these last in such places as ventilating ducts and versement pour ceux qui, comme moi,' restaient imbus des between doubly-glazed windows. The lead in sound insula- traditions de rAngleterre victorienne, jalouserle:cette maison tion given by .the N.P.L. is followed on many stands through- qui etait the Englishman's castle et, acre de sex tribrmaux out the exhibition where a number of different substances . devant lesquels etait lOisible a et flu de, porter la cause and systems (proof against heat and cold, as well as sound) John Bull versus Regina„ Or, j'ai decouyert a ma grande - can be seen. surprise que in loi stir-les loteries a .etc , arnenclee pour per- father extend its usefulness. It can be made in a large encore plus loin. Done, relativement, ells represente toujours One which must be specially mentioned is " Semtex," a mettre rexamen des correspondances particulieres, et j'ai plastic rubber material, produced by the Dunlop Rubber entenchr un juge expliquer, a ma stupefaction, que le Pane- Company. The value of a . waterproof preparation of rubber ment tend a creet de veritables tribimaux aciministratifs which can be mixed and applied like cement should be statuant sans auctin recours. Voila oh je ne retnouve plus . considerable, not 'only for floors but also; for other purposes ma vieilleArigleterre." where resilience or sound74hserption is required. The makers Nous convinmes par la suite que meme si l'Angleterre a