This has been rather an important week. The announcement made by the the Chancellor of the Exchequer, of the funding of five millions of Exche- quer Bills, which appeared before the public on Tuesday last, has caused much discussion and calculation in the monied world. It took the English Stock Market completely by surprise ; as the general impression, for the three or four days preceding, was that the Treasury would merely order a supply for the amount of the declared deficiency, viz. 2,500,000L, and that a funding of Exchequer Bills could entirely be dispensed with, and no fresh Loan be required during the present year. The notice differs from former announcements of the kind, as it fixes at once a price for the funding, instead of leaving it to be determined upon by the capitalists and others who will send in their tenders. The idea, therefore, which naturally suggested itself, was, whether the value determined upon bears such a relation to the current price of the Stock for the day as to make it desirable for the monied interest to become subscribers.
This announcement caused a considerable decline in the prices of the Go- vernment Securities; but it was not the result of speculative sales on the part of the public, the business of the day being chiefly confined among the jobbers.
Consols for Money, which left off the day before firm at 891 5, fell the next day to 895, but closed at 894; for the Account they declined from 904 4 to
891, but the last quotation was 89t 4. New Three-and-a-half per Cents, ex-
perienced a depression of t, viz. from 984 9 to 984 4. There was a gradual improvement in Exchequer Bills ; which may naturally be supposed under the
circumstance ; and notwithstanding there was a scarcity of money in the
market, the rate having been 5 per cent, throughout the day, the price advanced 2s., viz. to 13s. and 15s. There was scarcely any thing doing in the English Funds either on Wednesday or Thursday ; and they all closed at the quotations before given, with the exception of Exchequer Bills, which on the latter day left off at 14s. to 16s. being a further advance of Is. In the Foreign Stocks, Spanish has been very flat : the price closed on Mon- day at 224 ; the following day they declined to 214 2; on Wednesday the last price was 211 5 ; and on Thursday, notwithstandinga slight improvement in the Paris prices, they underwent a further depression here to 214 4, at which they left off. In other Foreign Stocks no variation has occurred worthy of comment. The Share Market has been much depressed all the week. London and Birmingham have declined 31. per Share • Great Western, I/. • London and Brighton, 1/. 108.; and Blackwall Shares, Old and New, This flat- ness is supposed to be owing to sales made by parties who intend to be sub- scribers to the proposed Exchequer Bill funding. Another reason assigned for the decline in Brighton Shares is, that the entire line of road was opened to the public on Monday last, and a great many have been realizing who had been going for that event.
The Foreign Exchanges, on Tuesday last, were much the same as on the preceding post-day, and the business transacted was not extensive. By the return of the Liabilities and Assets of the Bank of England made last week from the 22d June to the 14th September, the average of the
thirteen weeks ending 14th SepteMber, as compared with the average of the thirteen weeks ending 22d June, proves an increase in the Circulation of 849,090!.; an increase in the Deposits of 834,0001.; and a decrease in the stock of Bullion of 123,0001. : by which it appears that the increase in the Liabilities is 1,683,000/.
The English Markets leave off this afternoon precisely in the same state as they have done for the last three days, and very little business has been trans- acted. Consols for Money, 894 ; Ditto for the Account, 894 ; New Three- and-a-half per Cents., 984 ; India Bonds, par and 3 premium ; Exchequer Bills continue to advance, anti close is. better, the price being 15s. and 17s. In Foreign Stocks no alteration has taken place. Spanish has been all day 214 4; Portuguese, 30 4; Ditto Three per Cents., 18 4. Dutch Two-and-a half per Cents., 514 1; Ditto Five per Cents., 1024 4; Danish, 80 1; Bra- zilian, 674 8k; Colombian, 204 ; Mexican, 255 1. In Shares, London and Birmingham have declined another pound, being now quoted 63 5 premium. Great Western, 11 12 prem.; Half-Shares, 31 44 prem. ; Fifth Shares, 3 I prem. • South-western, 50 1 per Share. London and Brighton, 54 ; Blackwall;91 104 per Share ; Ditto New' 11 24 prem.
The English Funds still remain in a very inactive state, and up to the pre- sent time scarcely a bargain has been transacted; and there is no alteration in prices since yesterday. Consols for Money, 8954; Ditto for the Account, 894 a; New Three-and-a-half per Cents, 984 A; Exchequer Bills, 15s to 17s. India Stock, 246 to 8. Money continues scarce, being worth from 54 to 6 per cent. In Foreign Stocks the price of Spanish comes per cent, lower from Paris • but it has had no effect here, being still quoted 2144. Portugusse Five per dents. 304; Ditto Three per Cents, 184; Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, 51 4, 5; Ditto Five per cents. 10244; Columbian, 2044 Mexican, 2554; Belgian 102 35. In Shares there is nothing doing
The Consol Market has been heavy : the price was at one time 895 sellers for the Account, but leaves off rather buyers at that quotation; for Money they are 894 4. Exchequer Bills 15s. to 175.; New Three-and-a-half per Cents., 984 4. India Bonds have fallen to 2 discount to par. .There is no alteration in the Foreign house, except Spanish, which has advanced 4, being now 214 4. Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents., 514 4 ; Ditto Five per Cents., 1024 4; Portuguese, 30 to 4; Ditto 'Three per Cents., 18 to 4; Columbian, 201 1; Mexican, 254 4; Belgian, 1024 1034. In the Share Market prices generally leave off better this afternoon. London and Birmingham 64 to 66; Great Western, 114 124; Ditto Half-Shares, 44; Ditto Fifth Shares, 344; South-western, 504 I; London and Brighton, 54 5 discount ; Blackwell, 91 104 per Share ; Ditto New Shares, 2 to 4 premium. 3 per Cent. Consols 894 I Columbian 6 per Cents 204 i
Ditto for Account 894 4 Danish 3 per Cents 80 I
3 per Ceut. Reduced shut Dutch 24 per Cents 514 i at per Cent. Ditto shut Mexican 5 per Cents. Coned. 254 4
New 34 per Ceuta 984 4 Portuguese Regency b per Cis. 304 Bank Stock shut Ditto New 5 per Cents. 1841.. 251 26 Exchequer Bills ... 15 17 Ditto 3 per Cents 184 India Stock 246 8 Russian 5 per Cents ..... ... 1114 1124 Brazilian 5 per Cents. 674 84 Spanish (Active) 214 4
Belgian Spec Cents t 1024 31