The excitement which prevailed last week in the English Stock Mar- ket has been succeeded by a comparative calm ; which continued with little interruption until today, when there was a wider range of prices. On the whole, the Funds have rallied this week about 1 per cent. This has been in some measure promoted through a belief that nearly the whole of the last 2,000,0001. of Exchequer Bonds to be taken by the Com- missioners for the Reduotion of the National Debt have already been pro- vided for, and it has consequently removed the apprehension of an excess of money sales. Speculative purchases and investments by the public have been rather freely effected ; the more so in the case of Consols as the time draws near for taking off the amount of the half-year's dividend from the price ; so that they are in reality 11 lower than they appear. The Funds have also gained some strength from a renewed flatness in the Corn-market. The variations in Consols for Money have been from 914 to 921, and they leave off today at 921 and 924 a for the Account. The chief drawback to further improvement has been a con- tinued heaviness in French Stocks; which have fallen between 3 and 4 per cent within thepast week. The publication on Wednesday of Lord Raglan's despatches was favourably received, and the list of casualties produced no surprise, owing to previous telegraphic information. India Stock is 2 and Bank Stock 11 lower. Exchequer Bills are 2s. better. The rate for loans on Government Securities continues at -3k per cent. In the foreign ex- changes no material alteration having occurred, the late arrivals of gold will be sent abroad. The accounts from Vienna represent the alarm among the financial classes to be excessive; and the exchange on London has advanced nearly 5 per cent. The commercial accounts from the United States develop more fully the effects of over-speculation of late years. Several other banks have suspended: which-disasters, added to the shipments of specie, had in- creased the panic in the money-market. Discount for first-class paper was 11 or 12 per cent, and 15 for second-rate bills. All descriptions of securities bad fallen, through distrust and an accumulation of Stook occasioned by the failures. The arrivals of gold and specie this week include 177,0001. from the United States, 178,4001. from Australia, and 16,9641. by the Nubia steam- ship, chiefly from Bombay.
There has been rather more business doing in Foreign Stocks ; which are firmer in some cases. Peruvian and Russian are 1 better, and Mexican and Spanish command rather higher rates. Austrian, Brazilian, Chilian, and Sardinian, are a little lower. Turkish Scrip is recovering from the recent panic, and confidence has been partly established, owing to the Imperial fir- man for the appropriation of the Egyptian tribute, and command of the Sul- tan to contract the loan, having been deposited on Wednesday at the Bank of England. This will tend greatly to remove the anxiety whichlas so long existed, as showing the regularity of the arrangements in a financial point of view. The document is strictly worded, and in a form only adopted under the most sacred obligations. The fluctuations in the Scrip have not been wide, and the improvement has amounted to about 11 per cent. Railways have been rather steady during the week, and a disinclination to deal extensively has existed. Upon the whole, a slight improvement has oc- curred. The principal transactions have been in London and North-Western, Great Western, Lancashire and Yorkshire, London, Brighton, and South Coast, and Midland. Foreign Shares'have exhibited symptoms of weakness, and the leading French lines have fallen N. ILLTORDaY, TWELVE o'Cr.oca. The English Funds are 1 lower this morning, Consols for Money being 921, and for Account 921 1. Exchequer Bills 3 6. The bullion return by the Bank of England, which was rather higher last week, now shows a-de- crease of 85,0111. In Foreign Stocks there is no movement, except in Turk- ish Scrip, which is a shade better, being 6 of discount. Railways are steady; and the only business at present has been in Great Western, at 691; Lon- don and North-western, 981; Midland, 68; and North-Eastern—York, 511.
The English Funds have been 4 higher since the morning, through pur- chases to a large extent, and Consols reached 921 ; this rise has not been maintained, and they leave off 92 for Money and 92/ 1 for the Account. Exchequer Bills 3 6. Exchequer Bonds mark 991 1. In Foreign Stooks the transactions have been few, but Russian Five per Cents have declined 1 per cent, closing at 94 6. Turkish Scrip is a shade lower ; business has been done in them at 64, 6, 4, 54, 6 discount. Railways have shown a slight disposition to advance, and the leading descriptions leave off at a moderate improvement—Aberdeen, 191 ; Cale- donian, 601; Chester and Holyhead, 14; Eastern Counties, 114; Edinburg and Glasgow, 54; Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee, 20; Great Northern, 881; Ditto A Stock, 761; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) '89 ; Great Western, 704; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 7111; London and North- Western, 99 ; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 22; Midland, 684; Norfolk, 49; North-Eastern, (Berwick,) 75; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase, 94; Ditto York, 511 ; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 301; South.- Eastern, 594; South Wales, 291 ; Eastern Counties Extension, 6 per Cent., No. 2, 4 pm..; Great Western, Convertible and Redeemable 41 per cent, 98; Midland Consolidated Bristol and Birmingham Preference 44 per Cent, 11 die.; Norfolk Extension 51 per Cent, Preference Stock 1847, 106; Antwerp and Rotterdam, 61 ; Dutch Rhenish, 61; Eastern of France, 301; East In- dian, 221; Great Western of Canada, 171 ; Great Luxembourg Constituted Shares, 34 ; Northern of France, 334 ; Paris and Lyons, 324. Mine—San- tiago de Cuba, 4. Joint Stock Banks—Australasian, 81 ; London Chartered Bank of Australia, 24; Union of London, 234. Miscellaneous—Crystal Palace, 21 ; Royal Mail Steam, 611.
3 per Cent Consols ..... Ditto for Account ......
92 4 921 4
Danish 3 per Cents... ...... Dutch 24 per Cents 77 80 '60 2
3 per Cent Reduced
Ditto 4 per Cents 90'2 New per Cents 944 Mexican 3 per Cents 214 Long Annuities
Peruvian 44 per Cents...... 67 9 Bank Stock 209 11 Ditto 3 per Cents 47 9 Exchequer Bills 3 6 Portuguese 4 per Cents 40 2 India Stock 230 3 Russian 5 per Cents 94 6 Austrian 5 per Cents 82 5 Ditto 44 per Cents 85 7 Brazilian 5 per Cents 96 8 Spanish 3 per Cents 374 84 Belgian 41 per Cents 90 2 Ditto Deferred
184 4
Chilian 6 per Cents 101 3 Sardinian 5 per Cents 85 7 Danish 5 per Cents '99 101
Swedish 4 per Cents
85 8